Minh Pham
Minh Pham
PhD of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Oklahoma State University
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Cited by
RiSH: A robot-integrated smart home for elderly care
HM Do, M Pham, W Sheng, D Yang, M Liu
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 101, 74-92, 2018
Delivering home healthcare through a cloud-based smart home environment (CoSHE)
M Pham, Y Mengistu, H Do, W Sheng
Future Generation Computer Systems 81, 129-140, 2018
Cloud-Based Smart Home Environment (CoSHE) for home healthcare
M Pham, Y Mengistu, H Do, W Sheng
Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 483-488, 2016
A sensor fusion approach to indoor human localization based on environmental and wearable sensors
M Pham, D Yang, W Sheng
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 16 (1), 339-350, 2018
AutoHydrate: A wearable hydration monitoring system
Y Mengistu, M Pham, H Do, W Sheng
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 1857-1862, 2016
Negative emotion management using a smart shirt and a robot assistant
M Pham, HM Do, Z Su, A Bishop, W Sheng
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6 (2), 4040-4047, 2021
Human localization and tracking using distributed motion sensors and an inertial measurement unit
M Pham, D Yang, W Sheng, M Liu
2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2127 …, 2015
Application of Gradient Boosting through SASŪ Enterprise Miner™ to Classify Human Activities
M Pham, M Tanjil, M Ruppert-Stroescu
Sas Global Forum 2016, Paper 11801 in Proceedings, 2016
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Articles 1–8