Gianluigi Liva
Gianluigi Liva
Researcher - DLR - German Aerospace Center
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Cited by
Graph-based analysis and optimization of contention resolution diversity slotted ALOHA
G Liva
IEEE Transactions on Communications 59 (2), 477-487, 2010
Coded slotted ALOHA: A graph-based method for uncoordinated multiple access
E Paolini, G Liva, M Chiani
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 61 (12), 6815-6832, 2015
Protograph LDPC codes design based on EXIT analysis
G Liva, M Chiani
IEEE GLOBECOM 2007-IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 3250-3254, 2007
Coded random access: Applying codes on graphs to design random access protocols
E Paolini, C Stefanovic, G Liva, P Popovski
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (6), 144-150, 2015
Semantic communications in networked systems: A data significance perspective
E Uysal, O Kaya, A Ephremides, J Gross, M Codreanu, P Popovski, ...
IEEE Network 36 (4), 233-240, 2022
Efficient error-correcting codes in the short blocklength regime
MC Coşkun, G Durisi, T Jerkovits, G Liva, W Ryan, B Stein, F Steiner
Physical Communication 34, 66-79, 2019
Quasi-cyclic generalized LDPC codes with low error floors
G Liva, WE Ryan, M Chiani
IEEE Transactions on Communications 56 (1), 49-57, 2008
Code design for short blocks: A survey
G Liva, L Gaudio, T Ninacs, T Jerkovits
EuCNC 2016, Fantastic 5G Workshop. Available as arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.00873, 2016
High throughput random access via codes on graphs: Coded slotted ALOHA
E Paolini, G Liva, M Chiani
2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2011
Design of LDPC codes: A survey and new results
G Liva, S Song, L Lan, Y Zhang, S Lin, WE Ryan
Journal of Communications Software and Systems 2 (3), 191-211, 2006
Non-linear interference mitigation for broadband multimedia satellite systems
MA Díaz, N Courville, C Mosquera, G Liva, GE Corazza
2007 International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communications, 61-65, 2007
Machine type communications: key drivers and enablers towards the 6G era
NH Mahmood, S Böcker, I Moerman, OA López, A Munari, K Mikhaylov, ...
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2021 (1), 134, 2021
Short packets over block-memoryless fading channels: Pilot-assisted or noncoherent transmission?
J Östman, G Durisi, EG Ström, MC Coşkun, G Liva
IEEE Transactions on Communications 67 (2), 1521-1536, 2018
Reliability options for data communications in the future deep-space missions
T De Cola, E Paolini, G Liva, GP Calzolari
Proceedings of the IEEE 99 (11), 2056-2074, 2011
Modern random access protocols
M Berioli, G Cocco, G Liva, A Munari
Foundations and Trends® in Networking 10 (4), 317-446, 2016
Performance versus overhead for fountain codes over Fq
G Liva, E Paolini, M Chiani
IEEE Communications Letters 14 (2), 178-180, 2010
From 5G to 6G: Has the time for modern random access come?
F Clazzer, A Munari, G Liva, F Lazaro, C Stefanovic, P Popovski
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.03063, 2019
Short turbo codes over high order fields
G Liva, E Paolini, B Matuz, S Scalise, M Chiani
IEEE Transactions on Communications 61 (6), 2201-2211, 2013
Spatially-coupled random access on graphs
G Liva, E Paolini, M Lentmaier, M Chiani
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings, 478-482, 2012
Finite-length analysis of irregular repetition slotted ALOHA in the waterfall region
AG i Amat, G Liva
IEEE communications letters 22 (5), 886-889, 2018
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Articles 1–20