Andre Langevin
Andre Langevin
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Continuous approximation models in freight distribution: An overview
A Langevin, P Mbaraga, JF Campbell
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 30 (3), 163-188, 1996
Logistics Systems
A Langevin, D Riopel
Editura Springer, 2005
Scheduling and routing of automated guided vehicles: A hybrid approach
AI Corréa, A Langevin, LM Rousseau
Computers & operations research 34 (6), 1688-1707, 2007
Integrated scheduling of crane handling and truck transportation in a maritime container terminal
L Chen, A Langevin, Z Lu
European Journal of Operational Research 225 (1), 142-152, 2013
A survey of models and algorithms for winter road maintenance. Part IV: Vehicle routing and fleet sizing for plowing and snow disposal
N Perrier, A Langevin, JF Campbell
Computers & Operations Research 34 (1), 258-294, 2007
A survey of models and algorithms for winter road maintenance. Part III: Vehicle routing and depot location for spreading
N Perrier, A Langevin, JF Campbell
Computers & Operations Research 34 (1), 211-257, 2007
A two‐commodity flow formulation for the traveling salesman and the makespan problems with time windows
A Langevin, M Desrochers, J Desrosiers, S Gélinas, F Soumis
Networks 23 (7), 631-640, 1993
A survey of models and algorithms for winter road maintenance. Part I: system design for spreading and plowing
N Perrier, A Langevin, JF Campbell
Computers & Operations Research 33 (1), 209-238, 2006
Integrated production and material handling scheduling using mathematical programming and constraint programming
G El Khayat, A Langevin, D Riopel
European journal of operational research 175 (3), 1818-1832, 2006
Classification of travelling salesman problem formulations
A Langevin, F Soumis, J Desrosiers
Operations Research Letters 9 (2), 127-132, 1990
Inter-firm collaborations and supply chain coordination: review of key elements and case study
N Lehoux, S D’Amours, A Langevin
Production Planning & Control 25 (10), 858-872, 2014
Synchronized arc routing for snow plowing operations
MA Salazar-Aguilar, A Langevin, G Laporte
Computers & Operations Research 39 (7), 1432-1440, 2012
Vehicle routing for urban snow plowing operations
N Perrier, A Langevin, CA Amaya
Transportation Science 42 (1), 44-56, 2008
Dispatching and conflict-free routing of automated guided vehicles: An exact approach
G Desaulniers, A Langevin, D Riopel, B Villeneuve
International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems 15 (4), 309-331, 2003
A survey of models and algorithms for winter road maintenance. Part II: system design for snow disposal
N Perrier, A Langevin, JF Campbell
Computers & Operations Research 33 (1), 239-262, 2006
Dispatching, routing, and scheduling of two automated guided vehicles in a flexible manufacturing system
A Langevin, D Lauzon, D Riopel
International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems 8, 247-262, 1996
A tabu search algorithm for the relocation problem in a warehousing system
L Chen, A Langevin, D Riopel
International Journal of Production Economics 129 (1), 147-156, 2011
The capacitated arc routing problem with refill points
A Amaya, A Langevin, M Trépanier
Operations Research Letters 35 (1), 45-53, 2007
The storage location assignment and interleaving problem in an automated storage/retrieval system with shared storage
L Chen, A Langevin, D Riopel
International Journal of Production Research 48 (4), 991-1011, 2010
An integrated production-inventory model for deteriorating items with consideration of optimal production rate and deterioration during delivery
CK Chan, WH Wong, A Langevin, YCE Lee
International Journal of Production Economics 189, 1-13, 2017
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