Angela Sara Cacciapuoti
Cited by
Cited by
Quantum internet: Networking challenges in distributed quantum computing
AS Cacciapuoti, M Caleffi, F Tafuri, FS Cataliotti, S Gherardini, G Bianchi
IEEE Network 34 (1), 137-143, 2019
When entanglement meets classical communications: Quantum teleportation for the quantum internet
AS Cacciapuoti, M Caleffi, R Van Meter, L Hanzo
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (6), 3808-3833, 2020
Towards a distributed quantum computing ecosystem
D Cuomo, M Caleffi, AS Cacciapuoti
IET Quantum Communication 1 (1), 3-8, 2020
Quantum internet: From communication to distributed computing!
M Caleffi, AS Cacciapuoti, G Bianchi
Proceedings of the 5th ACM international conference on nanoscale computing …, 2018
Reactive routing for mobile cognitive radio ad hoc networks
AS Cacciapuoti, M Caleffi, L Paura
Ad Hoc Networks 10 (5), 803-815, 2012
Quantum internet protocol stack: A comprehensive survey
J Illiano, M Caleffi, A Manzalini, AS Cacciapuoti
Computer Networks 213, 109092, 2022
Planning 5G networks under EMF constraints: State of the art and vision
L Chiaraviglio, AS Cacciapuoti, G Di Martino, M Fiore, M Montesano, ...
Ieee Access 6, 51021-51037, 2018
Correlation-aware user selection for cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio ad hoc networks
AS Cacciapuoti, IF Akyildiz, L Paura
IEEE Journal on selected areas in Communications 30 (2), 297-306, 2012
Distributed quantum computing: a survey
M Caleffi, M Amoretti, D Ferrari, J Illiano, A Manzalini, AS Cacciapuoti
Computer Networks 254, 110672, 2024
Beyond 5G: THz-based medium access protocol for mobile heterogeneous networks
AS Cacciapuoti, K Sankhe, M Caleffi, KR Chowdhury
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (6), 110-115, 2018
Quantum switch for the quantum internet: Noiseless communications through noisy channels
M Caleffi, AS Cacciapuoti
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 38 (3), 575-588, 2020
Compiler design for distributed quantum computing
D Ferrari, AS Cacciapuoti, M Amoretti, M Caleffi
IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering 2, 1-20, 2021
CAODV: Routing in mobile ad-hoc cognitive radio networks
AS Cacciapuoti, C Calcagno, M Caleffi, L Paura
2010 IFIP Wireless Days, 1-5, 2010
Architectural principles for a quantum internet
W Kozlowski, S Wehner, RV Meter, B Rijsman, AS Cacciapuoti, M Caleffi, ...
Internet Engineering Task Force, Internet-Draft draft-irtf-qirg-principles-03, 2020
Mobility-aware user association for 5G mmWave networks
AS Cacciapuoti
IEEE Access 5, 21497-21507, 2017
Primary-user mobility impact on spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks
AS Cacciapuoti, IF Akyildiz, L Paura
2011 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2011
The rise of the quantum internet
M Caleffi, D Chandra, D Cuomo, S Hassanpour, AS Cacciapuoti
Computer 53 (6), 67-72, 2020
Optimized compiler for distributed quantum computing
D Cuomo, M Caleffi, K Krsulich, F Tramonto, G Agliardi, E Prati, ...
ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing 4 (2), 1-29, 2023
Channel availability for mobile cognitive radio networks
AS Cacciapuoti, M Caleffi, L Paura, MA Rahman
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 47, 131-136, 2015
Optimal primary-user mobility aware spectrum sensing design for cognitive radio networks
AS Cacciapuoti, IF Akyildiz, L Paura
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 31 (11), 2161-2172, 2013
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Articles 1–20