Luwen Zhuang
Luwen Zhuang
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Characterization of sewage sludge-derived biochars from different feedstocks and pyrolysis temperatures
H Lu, W Zhang, S Wang, L Zhuang, Y Yang, R Qiu
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 102, 137-143, 2013
Enhancement of phenanthrene adsorption on a clayey soil and clay minerals by coexisting lead or cadmium
W Zhang, L Zhuang, Y Yuan, L Tong, DCW Tsang
Chemosphere 83 (3), 302-310, 2011
Further tests of the HYPROP evaporation method for estimating the unsaturated soil hydraulic properties
CR Bezerra-Coelho, L Zhuang, MC Barbosa, MA Soto, ...
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 66 (2), 161-169, 2018
Experimental investigation of hysteretic dynamic capillarity effect in unsaturated flow
L Zhuang, SM Hassanizadeh, CZ Qin, A de Waal
Water Resources Research 53 (11), 9078-9088, 2017
Electro-migration of heavy metals in an aged electroplating contaminated soil affected by the coexisting hexavalent chromium
W Zhang, L Zhuang, L Tong, IMC Lo, R Qiu
Chemosphere 86 (8), 809-816, 2012
Analysis of the hysteretic hydraulic properties of unsaturated soil
L Zhuang, CRB Coelho, SM Hassanizadeh, MT van Genuchten
Vadose Zone Journal 16 (5), 1-9, 2017
Unsaturated flow effects on solute transport in porous media
L Zhuang, A Raoof, MG Mahmoodlu, S Biekart, R de Witte, L Badi, ...
Journal of Hydrology 598, 126301, 2021
Dynamic pore‐scale model of drainage in granular porous media: The pore‐unit assembly method
T Sweijen, SM Hassanizadeh, B Chareyre, L Zhuang
Water resources research 54 (6), 4193-4213, 2018
HYPROP measurements of the unsaturated hydraulic properties of a carbonate rock sample
T Lipovetsky, L Zhuang, WG Teixeira, A Boyd, EM Pontedeiro, L Moriconi, ...
Journal of hydrology 591, 125706, 2020
Revisiting the horizontal redistribution of water in soils: Experiments and numerical modeling
L Zhuang, SM Hassanizadeh, PJ Kleingeld, MT van Genuchten
Water resources research 53 (9), 7576-7589, 2017
Two-stage multi-fraction first-order kinetic modeling for soil Cd extraction by EDTA
H Wei, W Zhang, L Zhuang, S Wang, DCW Tsang, R Qiu
Chemosphere 211, 1035-1042, 2018
Metal mobility and fraction distribution in a multimetal contaminated soil chemically stabilized with different agents
W Zhang, L Tong, Y Yuan, L Zhuang, H Huang, R Qiu
Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste 15 (4), 266-274, 2011
Modeling of horizontal water redistribution in an unsaturated soil
L Zhuang, SM Hassanizadeh, MT van Genuchten, A Leijnse, A Raoof, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 15 (3), 1-11, 2016
The effect of dynamic capillarity in modeling saturation overshoot during infiltration
L Zhuang, CJ van Duijn, SM Hassanizadeh
Vadose Zone Journal 18 (1), 1-14, 2019
Advanced theories of water redistribution and infiltration in porous media: Experimental studies and modeling
L Zhuang
UU Dept. of Earth Sciences, 2017
Experimental and numerical studies of saturation overshoot during infiltration into a dry soil
L Zhuang, SM Hassanizadeh, CJ Van Duijn, S Zimmermann, I Zizina, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 18 (1), 1-13, 2019
Spontaneous imbibition and drainage of water in a thin porous layer: Experiments and modeling
L Zhuang, SM Hassanizadeh, D Bhatt, CJ van Duijn
Transport in Porous Media 139 (2), 381-396, 2021
Assessment of global antibiotic exposure risk for crops: incorporating soil adsorption via machine learning
H Zhu, J He, Y Wu, L Tong, W Zhang, L Zhuang
Environmental Science & Technology 58 (30), 13327-13336, 2024
Experimental determination of in-plane permeability of nonwoven thin fibrous materials
L Zhuang, SM Hassanizadeh, CZ Qin
Textile Research Journal 93 (19-20), 4656-4661, 2023
Removal of heavy metal ions from aqueous solution by sludge derived-biochar pyrolyzed under different heating conditions
LW Zhuang, WH Zhang, HL Lu, YX Yang, RL Qiu
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