Neil S Cobb
Neil S Cobb
Biodiversity Outreach Network
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A global overview of drought and heat-induced tree mortality reveals emerging climate change risks for forests
CD Allen, AK Macalady, H Chenchouni, D Bachelet, N McDowell, ...
Forest ecology and management 259 (4), 660-684, 2010
Mechanisms of plant survival and mortality during drought: why do some plants survive while others succumb to drought?
N McDowell, WT Pockman, CD Allen, DD Breshears, N Cobb, T Kolb, ...
New phytologist 178 (4), 719-739, 2008
Regional vegetation die-off in response to global-change-type drought
DD Breshears, NS Cobb, PM Rich, KP Price, CD Allen, RG Balice, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (42), 15144-15148, 2005
The impact of plant stress on herbivore population dynamics
GL Waring, NS Cobb
Insect-Plant Interactions (1992), 175-234, 2017
Tree‐ring variation in pinyon predicts likelihood of death following severe drought
K Ogle, TG Whitham, NS Cobb
Ecology 81 (11), 3237-3243, 2000
Insect herbivory increases litter quality and decomposition: an extension of the acceleration hypothesis
SK Chapman, SC Hart, NS Cobb, TG Whitham, GW Koch
Ecology 84 (11), 2867-2876, 2003
Insect herbivore population dynamics on trees and shrubs: new approaches relevant to latent and eruptive species and life table development
PW Price, N Cobb, TP Craig, GW Fernandes, JK Itami, S Mopper, ...
Insect-Plant Interactions (1990), 1-38, 2017
Relationship of stand characteristics to drought‐induced mortality in three Southwestern piñon–juniper woodlands
ML Floyd, M Clifford, NS Cobb, D Hanna, R Delph, P Ford, D Turner
Ecological Applications 19 (5), 1223-1230, 2009
The extended specimen network: A strategy to enhance US biodiversity collections, promote research and education
J Lendemer, B Thiers, AK Monfils, J Zaspel, ER Ellwood, A Bentley, ...
BioScience 70 (1), 23-30, 2020
Genetic differentiation and heterozygosity in pinyon pine associated with resistance to herbivory and environmental stress
S Mopper, JB Mitton, TG Whitham, NS Cobb, KM Christensen
Evolution 45 (4), 989-999, 1991
Extreme climatic event‐triggered overstorey vegetation loss increases understorey solar input regionally: primary and secondary ecological implications
PD Royer, NS Cobb, MJ Clifford, CY Huang, DD Breshears, HD Adams, ...
Journal of Ecology 99 (3), 714-723, 2011
Increased moth herbivory associated with environmental stress of pinyon pine at local and regional levels
NS Cobb, S Mopper, CA Gehring, M Caouette, KM Christensen, ...
Oecologia 109, 389-397, 1997
Climate change and human activities: a case study in Xinjiang, China
Z Wu, H Zhang, CM Krause, NS Cobb
Climatic Change 99, 457-472, 2010
Decreased streamflow in semi-arid basins following drought-induced tree die-off: A counter-intuitive and indirect climate impact on hydrology
M Guardiola-Claramonte, PA Troch, DD Breshears, TE Huxman, ...
Journal of Hydrology 406 (3-4), 225-233, 2011
Resource abundance and insect herbivore diversity on woody fabaceous desert plants
ESDA Marques, PW Price, NS Cobb
Environmental Entomology 29 (4), 696-703, 2000
Three-way interactions among ectomycorrhizal mutualists, scale insects, and resistant and susceptible pinyon pines
CA Gehring, NS Cobb, TG Whitham
The American Naturalist 149 (5), 824-841, 1997
Precipitation thresholds and drought-induced tree die-off: insights from patterns of Pinus edulis mortality along an environmental stress gradient
MJ Clifford, PD Royer, NS Cobb, DD Breshears, PL Ford
New Phytologist 200 (2), 413-421, 2013
A new look at habitat structure: consequences of herbivore-modified plant architecture
S Mopper, J Maschinski, N Cobb, TG Whitham
Habitat structure: the physical arrangement of objects in space, 260-280, 1991
Long-term tree cover dynamics in a pinyon-juniper woodland: climate-change-type drought resets successional clock
MJ Clifford, NS Cobb, M Buenemann
Ecosystems 14, 949-962, 2011
Arthropod community diversity and trophic structure: a comparison between extremes of plant stress
Ecological Entomology 33 (1), 1-11, 2008
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