Lattice QCD calculation of form factors describing the rare decays and RR Horgan, Z Liu, S Meinel, M Wingate
Physical Review D 89 (9), 094501, 2014
414 2014 The effects of coloured glue in the QCD motivated bag of heavy quark-antiquark systems P Hasenfratz, RR Horgan, J Kuti, JM Richard
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314 1980 Calculation of and Observables Using Form Factors from Lattice QCD RR Horgan, Z Liu, S Meinel, M Wingate
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220 2012 Precise heavy-light meson masses and hyperfine splittings from lattice QCD including<? format?> charm quarks in the sea RJ Dowdall, CTH Davies, TC Hammant, RR Horgan, ...
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215 2012 High-precision charm-quark mass and QCD coupling from current-current correlators<? format?> in lattice and continuum QCD I Allison, E Dalgic, CTH Davies, E Follana, RR Horgan, K Hornbostel, ...
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175 2012 Rare decays using lattice QCD form factors RR Horgan, Z Liu, S Meinel, M Wingate
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