Francesco Vacondio
Francesco Vacondio
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Cited by
On nonlinear distortions of highly dispersive optical coherent systems
F Vacondio, O Rival, C Simonneau, E Grellier, A Bononi, L Lorcy, ...
Optics Express 20 (2), 1022-1032, 2012
Pilot-symbols-aided carrier-phase recovery for 100-G PM-QPSK digital coherent receivers
M Magarini, L Barletta, A Spalvieri, F Vacondio, T Pfau, M Pepe, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 24 (9), 739-741, 2012
Estimation of soft FEC performance in optical transmission experiments
A Leven, F Vacondio, L Schmalen, S ten Brink, W Idler
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 23 (20), 1547-1549, 2011
Empirical modeling and simulation of phase noise in long-haul coherent optical transmission systems
M Magarini, A Spalvieri, F Vacondio, M Bertolini, M Pepe, G Gavioli
Optics Express 19 (23), 22455-22461, 2011
Modeling nonlinearity in coherent transmissions with dominant intrachannel-four-wave-mixing
A Bononi, P Serena, N Rossi, E Grellier, F Vacondio
Optics Express 20 (7), 7777-7791, 2012
Elastic optical networks: The global evolution to software configurable optical networks
P Layec, A Morea, F Vacondio, O Rival, JC Antona
Bell Labs Technical Journal 18 (3), 133-151, 2013
A silicon modulator enabling RF over fiber for 802.11 OFDM signals
F Vacondio, M Mirshafiei, J Basak, A Liu, L Liao, M Paniccia, LA Rusch
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 16 (1), 141-148, 2010
Flexible TDMA access optical networks enabled by burst-mode software defined coherent transponders
F Vacondio, O Bertran-Pardo, Y Pointurier, J Fickers, A Ghazisaeidi, ...
39th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC 2013 …, 2013
Experimental characterization of Gaussian-distributed nonlinear distortions
F Vacondio, C Simonneau, L Lorcy, JC Antona, A Bononi, S Bigo
2011 37th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication, 1-3, 2011
Low-complexity compensation of SOA nonlinearity for single-channel PSK and OOK
F Vacondio, A Ghazisaeidi, A Bononi, LA Rusch
Journal of lightwave technology 28 (3), 277-286, 2010
A fresh look at multicanonical Monte Carlo from a telecom perspective
A Bononi, LA Rusch, A Ghazisaeidi, F Vacondio, N Rossi
GLOBECOM 2009-2009 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 1-8, 2009
Semi-analytical model for the performance estimation of 100Gb/s PDM-QPSK optical transmission systems without inline dispersion compensation and mixed fiber types
E Seve, P Ramantanis, JC Antona, E Grellier, O Rival, F Vacondio, S Bigo
39th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC 2013 …, 2013
Real-time implementation of packet-by-packet polarization demultiplexing in a 28 Gb/s burst mode coherent receiver
F Vacondio, C Simonneau, A Voicila, E Dutisseuil, JM Tanguy, JC Antona, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OM3H. 6, 2012
SOA gain recovery wavelength dependence: simulation and measurement using a single-color pump-probe technique
W Mathlouthi, F Vacondio, P Lemieux, LA Rusch
Optics Express 16 (25), 20656-20665, 2008
Directly modulated and fully tunable hybrid silicon lasers for future generation of coherent colorless ONU
G De Valicourt, A Le Liepvre, F Vacondio, C Simonneau, M Lamponi, ...
Optics Express 20 (26), B552-B557, 2012
SOA intensity noise suppression in spectrum sliced systems: A multicanonical Monte Carlo simulator of extremely low BER
A Ghazisaeidi, F Vacondio, A Bononi, LA Rusch
Journal of Lightwave Technology 27 (14), 2667-2677, 2009
System design tool for high bit rate terrestrial transmission systems with coherent detection
B Lavigne, M Lefrançois, E Balmefrezol, C Bresson, F Vacondio, ...
Bell Labs Technical Journal 18 (3), 251-266, 2013
Coherent receiver enabling data rate adaptive optical packet networks
F Vacondio, O Rival, Y Pointurier, C Simonneau, L Lorcy, JC Antona, ...
2011 37th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication, 1-3, 2011
High-bit-rate dense SS-WDM PON using SOA-based noise reduction with a novel balanced detection
W Mathlouthi, F Vacondio, LA Rusch
Journal of lightwave technology 27 (22), 5045-5055, 2009
Method for optimizing the capacity of optical communication networks
G Charlet, O Bertran-Pardo, F Vacondio
US Patent 8,849,118, 2014
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Articles 1–20