Rainer Banse
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Cited by
Acoustic profiles in vocal emotion expression.
R Banse, KR Scherer
Journal of personality and social psychology 70 (3), 614, 1996
Emotion inferences from vocal expression correlate across languages and cultures
KR Scherer, R Banse, HG Wallbott
Journal of Cross-cultural psychology 32 (1), 76-92, 2001
Double dissociation between implicit and explicit personality self-concept: the case of shy behavior.
JB Asendorpf, R Banse, D Mücke
Journal of personality and social psychology 83 (2), 380, 2002
Implicit attitudes towards homosexuality: Reliability, validity, and controllability of the IAT
R Banse, J Seise, N Zerbes
Zeitschrift für experimentelle Psychologie 48 (2), 145-160, 2001
Vocal cues in emotion encoding and decoding
KR Scherer, R Banse, HG Wallbott, T Goldbeck
Motivation and emotion 15, 123-148, 1991
Adult attachment and marital satisfaction: Evidence for dyadic configuration effects
R Banse
Journal of Social and personal Relationships 21 (2), 273-282, 2004
The intensity of facial expression is determined by underlying affective state and social situation.
U Hess, R Banse, A Kappas
Journal of personality and social psychology 69 (2), 280, 1995
Psychologie der Beziehung
J Asendorpf, R Banse, FJ Neyer
Hogrefe AG, 2017
How common is men's self-reported sexual interest in prepubescent children?
B Dombert, AF Schmidt, R Banse, P Briken, J Hoyer, J Neutze, ...
The Journal of Sex Research 53 (2), 214-223, 2016
Implicit bias in impression formation: Associations influence the construal of individuating information
B Gawronski, D Geschke, R Banse
European Journal of Social Psychology 33 (5), 573-589, 2003
Psychophysiological responses to appraisal dimensions in a computer game
C van Reekum, T Johnstone, R Banse, A Etter, T Wehrle, K Scherer
Cognition and emotion 18 (5), 663-688, 2004
Indirect measures of sexual interest in child sex offenders: A multimethod approach
R Banse, AF Schmidt, J Clarbour
Criminal justice and Behavior 37 (3), 319-335, 2010
Validity of content-based techniques to distinguish true and fabricated statements: A meta-analysis.
VA Oberlader, C Naefgen, J Koppehele-Gossel, L Quinten, R Banse, ...
Law and human behavior 40 (4), 440, 2016
The development of spontaneous gender stereotyping in childhood: Relations to stereotype knowledge and stereotype flexibility
R Banse, B Gawronski, C Rebetez, H Gutt, J Bruce Morton
Developmental Science 13 (2), 298-306, 2010
Affective priming with liked and disliked persons: Prime visibility determines congruency and incongruency effects
R Banse
Cognition & Emotion 15 (4), 501-520, 2001
Ongoing victim suffering increases prejudice: The case of secondary anti-Semitism
R Imhoff, R Banse
Psychological Science 20 (12), 1443-1447, 2009
Is pedophilic sexual preference continuous? A taxometric analysis based on direct and indirect measures.
AF Schmidt, A Mokros, R Banse
Psychological assessment 25 (4), 1146, 2013
BBE-Beziehungsspezifische Bindungsskalen für Erwachsene
JB Asendorpf, R Banse, S Wilpers, FJ Neyer
ZPID (Leibniz Institute for Psychology)–Open Test Archive, 2002
Automatic evaluation of self and significant others: Affective priming in close relationships
R Banse
Journal of social and personal relationships 16 (6), 803-821, 1999
Assessment of implicit personality self‐concept using the implicit association test (IAT): Concurrent assessment of anxiousness and angriness
K Schnabel, R Banse, JB Asendorpf
British Journal of Social Psychology 45 (2), 373-396, 2006
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Articles 1–20