Wei Zhong
Wei Zhong
Department of Statistics, Xiamen University
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Feature Screening via Distance Correlation Learning
R Li, W Zhong, L Zhu
Journal of American Statistical Association 107, 1129-1139, 2012
Model-free feature screening for ultrahigh dimensional discriminant analysis
H Cui, R Li, W Zhong
Journal of the American Statistical Association 110 (510), 630-641, 2015
Assessing mediation using marginal structural models in the presence of confounding and moderation.
DL Coffman, W Zhong
Psychological methods 17 (4), 642, 2012
A selective overview of feature screening for ultrahigh-dimensional data
JY Liu, W Zhong, RZ Li
Science China Mathematics 58, 1-22, 2015
Projection correlation between two random vectors
L Zhu, K Xu, R Li, W Zhong
Biometrika 104 (4), 829-843, 2017
An iterative approach to distance correlation-based sure independence screening
W Zhong, L Zhu
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 85 (11), 2331-2345, 2015
Regularized quantile regression and robust feature screening for single index models
W Zhong, L Zhu, R Li, H Cui
Statistica Sinica 26 (1), 69, 2016
A fast algorithm for detecting gene–gene interactions in genome-wide association studies
J Li, W Zhong, R Li, R Wu
The annals of applied statistics 8 (4), 2292, 2014
Estimation and inference for multi-kink quantile regression
W Zhong, C Wan, W Zhang
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 40 (3), 1123-1139, 2022
Test for high-dimensional regression coefficients using refitted cross-validation variance estimation
H Cui, W Guo, W Zhong
Nonparametric additive instrumental variable estimator: A group shrinkage estimation perspective
Q Fan, W Zhong
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 36 (3), 388-399, 2018
Multikink quantile regression for longitudinal data with application to progesterone data analysis
C Wan, W Zhong, W Zhang, C Zou
Biometrics 79 (2), 747-760, 2023
A distribution-free test of independence based on mean variance index
H Cui, W Zhong
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 139, 117-133, 2019
Composite coefficient of determination and its application in ultrahigh dimensional variable screening
E Kong, Y Xia, W Zhong
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2019
Estimation and inference on central mean subspace for multivariate response data
L Zhu, W Zhong
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 92, 68-83, 2015
Robust sure independence screening for ultrahigh dimensional non-normal data
W Zhong
Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 30 (11), 1885-1896, 2014
Censored Mean Variance Sure Independence Screening for Ultra-high Dimensional Survival Data
JWXC Wei Zhong
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 159, 107206, 2021
Projection test for mean vector in high dimensions
W Liu, X Yu, W Zhong, R Li
Journal of the American Statistical Association 119 (545), 744-756, 2024
A Multi-Kink quantile regression model with common structure for panel data analysis
Y Sun, C Wan, W Zhang, W Zhong
Journal of Econometrics, 105304, 2022
Forward additive regression for ultrahigh-dimensional nonparametric additive models
W Zhong, S Duan, L Zhu
Statistica Sinica 30 (1), 175-192, 2020
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