Mehmet Keskinoz
Mehmet Keskinoz
Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Istanbul Technical University,
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Energy aware iterative source localization for wireless sensor networks
E Maşazade, R Niu, PK Varshney, M Keskinoz
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 58 (9), 4824-4835, 2010
A multiobjective optimization approach to obtain decision thresholds for distributed detection in wireless sensor networks
E Masazade, R Rajagopalan, PK Varshney, CK Mohan, GK Sendur, ...
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 40 …, 2009
Efficient modeling of volume holographic storage channels (VHSC)
M Keskinoz, BVKV Kumar
2000 Optical Data Storage. Conference Digest (Cat. No. 00TH8491), 116-118, 2000
Discrete magnitude-squared channel modeling, equalization, and detection for volume holographic storage channels
M Keskinoz, BVKV Kumar
Applied Optics 43 (6), 1368-1378, 2004
Application of linear minimum mean-squared-error equalization for volume holographic data storage
M Keskinoz, BVKV Kumar
Applied optics 38 (20), 4387-4393, 1999
Boiling heat transfer performance enhancement using micro and nano structured surfaces for high heat flux electronics cooling systems
AK Sadaghiani, NS Saadi, SS Parapari, T Karabacak, M Keskinoz, ...
Applied Thermal Engineering 127, 484-498, 2017
Two-dimensional equalization/detection for patterned media storage
M Keskinoz
IEEE transactions on magnetics 44 (4), 533-539, 2008
Pressure drop across micro-pin heat sinks under unstable boiling conditions
A Koşar, MR Özdemir, M Keskinoz
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 49 (7), 1253-1263, 2010
The effects of inlet restriction and tube size on boiling instabilities and detection of resulting premature critical heat flux in microtubes using data analysis
A Kaya, MR Özdemir, M Keskinöz, A Koşar
Applied thermal engineering 65 (1-2), 575-587, 2014
Normalized cross-correlation based global distortion correction in fingerprint image matching
E Derman, M Keskinöz
2016 International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing …, 2016
Improving the performance of wireless sensor networks through optimized complex field network coding
K Eritmen, M Keskinoz
IEEE Sensors Journal 15 (5), 2934-2946, 2014
Improved fuzzy vault scheme for fingerprint verification
C Örencik, TB Pedersen, E Savaş, M Keskinöz
INSTICC Press, 2008
Evaluation of local decision thresholds for distributed detection in wireless sensor networks using multiobjective optimization
E Masazade, R Rajagopalan, PK Varshney, GK Sendur, M Keskinoz
2008 42nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 1958-1962, 2008
Suppressing data sets to prevent discovery of association rules
AA Hintoglu, A Inan, Y Saygin, M Keskinoz
Fifth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'05), 4 pp., 2005
Linear minimum mean squared error (LMMSE) equalization for holographic data storage
M Keskinoz, BVKV Kumar
1999 IEEE International Conference on Communications (Cat. No. 99CH36311) 3 …, 1999
Securing fuzzy vault schemes through biometric hashing
C Örencik, TB Pedersen, E Savaş, M Keskinöz
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 18 (4), 515-540, 2010
Distributed decision fusion over fading channels in hierarchical wireless sensor networks
K Eritmen, M Keskinoz
Wireless networks 20, 987-1002, 2014
Destek vektör makinesi kullanarak bağımsız bileşen tabanlı 3B nesne tanıma= Independent component based 3D object recognition using support vector machines
OG Sezer, A Erçil, M Keskinöz
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2005
Efficient modeling and iterative magnitude-squared decision feedback equalization (dfe) for volume holographic storage channels
M Keskinoz, BVKV Kumar
ICC 2001. IEEE International Conference on Communications. Conference Record …, 2001
A Monte Carlo based energy efficient source localization method for wireless sensor networks
E Masazade, R Niu, PK Varshney, M Keskinoz
2009 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi …, 2009
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