Sevgi Z. Gurbuz
Sevgi Z. Gurbuz
University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa
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Cited by
Radar-based human-motion recognition with deep learning: Promising applications for indoor monitoring
SZ Gurbuz, MG Amin
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 36 (4), 16-28, 2019
Deep convolutional autoencoder for radar-based classification of similar aided and unaided human activities
MS Seyfioğlu, AM Özbayoğlu, SZ Gürbüz
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 54 (4), 1709-1723, 2018
A short survey of hyperspectral remote sensing applications in agriculture
M Teke, HS Deveci, O Haliloğlu, SZ Gürbüz, U Sakarya
2013 6th international conference on recent advances in space technologies …, 2013
A wearable haptic navigation guidance system
S Ertan, C Lee, A Willets, H Tan, A Pentland
Digest of Papers. Second International Symposium on Wearable Computers (Cat …, 1998
An overview of cognitive radar: Past, present, and future
SZ Gurbuz, HD Griffiths, A Charlish, M Rangaswamy, MS Greco, K Bell
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 34 (12), 6-18, 2019
Deep neural network initialization methods for micro-Doppler classification with low training sample support
MS Seyfioğlu, SZ Gürbüz
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 14 (12), 2462-2466, 2017
Detection and identification of human targets in radar data
SZ Gürbüz, WL Melvin, DB Williams
Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XVI 6567, 185-195, 2007
DNN transfer learning from diversified micro-Doppler for motion classification
MS Seyfioglu, B Erol, SZ Gurbuz, MG Amin
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 55 (5), 2164-2180, 2018
Micro‐Doppler‐based in‐home aided and unaided walking recognition with multiple radar and sonar systems
SZ Gurbuz, C Clemente, A Balleri, JJ Soraghan
IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation 11 (1), 107-115, 2017
Motion classification using kinematically sifted acgan-synthesized radar micro-doppler signatures
B Erol, SZ Gurbuz, MG Amin
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 56 (4), 3197-3213, 2020
A kinect-based human micro-doppler simulator
B Erol, SZ Gurbuz
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 30 (5), 6-17, 2015
Knowledge exploitation for human micro-Doppler classification
C Karabacak, SZ Gurbuz, AC Gurbuz, MB Guldogan, G Hendeby, ...
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 12 (10), 2125-2129, 2015
Feature diversity for optimized human micro-Doppler classification using multistatic radar
F Fioranelli, M Ritchie, SZ Gürbüz, H Griffiths
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 53 (2), 640-654, 2017
Operational assessment and adaptive selection of micro‐Doppler features
SZ Gürbüz, B Erol, B Çağlıyan, B Tekeli
IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation 9 (9), 1196-1204, 2015
Information-theoretic feature selection for human micro-Doppler signature classification
B Tekeli, SZ Gurbuz, M Yuksel
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54 (5), 2749-2762, 2016
GAN-based synthetic radar micro-Doppler augmentations for improved human activity recognition
B Erol, SZ Gurbuz, MG Amin
2019 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf), 1-5, 2019
American sign language recognition using rf sensing
SZ Gurbuz, AC Gurbuz, EA Malaia, DJ Griffin, CS Crawford, MM Rahman, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 21 (3), 3763-3775, 2020
Sequential human gait classification with distributed radar sensor fusion
H Li, A Mehul, J Le Kernec, SZ Gurbuz, F Fioranelli
IEEE Sensors Journal 21 (6), 7590-7603, 2020
Micro-Doppler-based human activity classification using the mote-scale BumbleBee radar
B Çağlıyan, SZ Gürbüz
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 12 (10), 2135-2139, 2015
Sensing and machine learning for automotive perception: A review
A Pandharipande, CH Cheng, J Dauwels, SZ Gurbuz, J Ibanez-Guzman, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 23 (11), 11097-11115, 2023
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Articles 1–20