Paolo Orlandi
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Cited by
Combined immersed-boundary finite-difference methods for three-dimensional complex flow simulations
EA Fadlun, R Verzicco, P Orlandi, J Mohd-Yusof
Journal of computational physics 161 (1), 35-60, 2000
A finite-difference scheme for three-dimensional incompressible flows in cylindrical coordinates
R Verzicco, P Orlandi
Journal of Computational Physics 123 (2), 402-414, 1996
Fluid flow phenomena: a numerical toolkit
P Orlandi
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Direct numerical simulations of turbulent channel flow with transverse square bars on one wall
S Leonardi, P Orlandi, RJ Smalley, L Djenidi, RA Antonia
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 491, 229-238, 2003
Vortex dipole rebound from a wall
P Orlandi
Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics 2 (8), 1429-1436, 1990
Spectral and finite difference solutions of the Burgers equation
C Basdevant, M Deville, P Haldenwang, JM Lacroix, J Ouazzani, R Peyret, ...
Computers & fluids 14 (1), 23-41, 1986
Velocity statistics in turbulent channel flow up to
M Bernardini, S Pirozzoli, P Orlandi
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 742, 171-191, 2014
Large eddy simulation in complex geometric configurations using boundary body forces
R Verzicco, J Mohd-Yusof, P Orlandi, D Haworth
AIAA journal 38 (3), 427-433, 2000
Direct simulations of turbulent flow in a pipe rotating about its axis
P Orlandi, M Fatica
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 343, 43-72, 1997
DNS of turbulent channel flows with two-and three-dimensional roughness
P Orlandi, S Leonardi
Journal of Turbulence, N73, 2006
Vortex rings impinging on walls: axisymmetric and three-dimensional simulations
P Orlandi, R Verzicco
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 256, 615-646, 1993
On the generation of turbulent wall friction
P Orlandi, J Jiménez
Physics of Fluids 6 (2), 634-641, 1994
Properties of d-and k-type roughness in a turbulent channel flow
S Leonardi, P Orlandi, RA Antonia
Physics of fluids 19 (12), 2007
Structure of turbulent channel flow with square bars on one wall
S Leonardi, P Orlandi, L Djenidi, RA Antonia
International journal of heat and fluid flow 25 (3), 384-392, 2004
Passive scalars in turbulent channel flow at high Reynolds number
S Pirozzoli, M Bernardini, P Orlandi
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 788, 614-639, 2016
Turbulence and secondary motions in square duct flow
S Pirozzoli, D Modesti, P Orlandi, F Grasso
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 840, 631-655, 2018
Turbulence statistics in Couette flow at high Reynolds number
S Pirozzoli, M Bernardini, P Orlandi
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 758, 327-343, 2014
A numerical study of three-dimensional vortex ring instabilities: viscous corrections and early nonlinear stage
K Shariff, R Verzicco, P Orlandi
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 279, 351-375, 1994
Turbulent channel flow with either transverse or longitudinal roughness elements on one wall
P Orlandi, S Leonardi, RA Antonia
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 561, 279-305, 2006
Numerical simulation of tripolar vortices in 2D flow
P Orlandi, GJF van Heijst
Fluid dynamics research 9 (4), 179, 1992
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Articles 1–20