Onur Ozdemir
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Automated vulnerability detection in source code using deep representation learning
R Russell, L Kim, L Hamilton, T Lazovich, J Harer, O Ozdemir, ...
2018 17th IEEE international conference on machine learning and applications …, 2018
A 3D probabilistic deep learning system for detection and diagnosis of lung cancer using low-dose CT scans
O Ozdemir, RL Russell, AA Berlin
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 39 (5), 1419-1429, 2019
Automated software vulnerability detection with machine learning
JA Harer, LY Kim, RL Russell, O Ozdemir, LR Kosta, A Rangamani, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.04497, 2018
Channel aware target localization with quantized data in wireless sensor networks
O Ozdemir, R Niu, PK Varshney
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 57 (3), 1190-1202, 2008
Localization in wireless sensor networks: Byzantines and mitigation techniques
A Vempaty, O Ozdemir, K Agrawal, H Chen, PK Varshney
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 61 (6), 1495-1508, 2012
Learning to repair software vulnerabilities with generative adversarial networks
J Harer, O Ozdemir, T Lazovich, C Reale, R Russell, L Kim
Advances in neural information processing systems 31, 2018
Tracking in wireless sensor networks using particle filtering: Physical layer considerations
O Ozdemir, R Niu, PK Varshney
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 57 (5), 1987-1999, 2009
System and method for quantifying uncertainty in reasoning about 2d and 3d spatial features with a computer machine learning architecture
O Ozdemir, B Woodward, AA Berlin
US Patent App. 15/790,332, 2019
New conditional posterior Cramér-Rao lower bounds for nonlinear sequential Bayesian estimation
Y Zheng, O Ozdemir, R Niu, PK Varshney
IEEE transactions on signal processing 60 (10), 5549-5556, 2012
Hybrid maximum likelihood modulation classification using multiple radios
O Ozdemir, R Li, PK Varshney
IEEE Communications Letters 17 (10), 1889-1892, 2013
Propagating uncertainty in multi-stage bayesian convolutional neural networks with application to pulmonary nodule detection
O Ozdemir, B Woodward, AA Berlin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.00497, 2017
Enhanced dynamic spectrum access in multiband cognitive radio networks via optimized resource allocation
P Bhardwaj, A Panwar, O Ozdemir, E Masazade, I Kasperovich, AL Drozd, ...
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15 (12), 8093-8106, 2016
Asynchronous linear modulation classification with multiple sensors via generalized EM algorithm
O Ozdemir, T Wimalajeewa, B Dulek, PK Varshney, W Su
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 14 (11), 6389-6400, 2015
Distributed maximum likelihood classification of linear modulations over nonidentical flat block-fading Gaussian channels
B Dulek, O Ozdemir, PK Varshney, W Su
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 14 (2), 724-737, 2014
Copula based classifier fusion under statistical dependence
O Ozdemir, TG Allen, S Choi, T Wimalajeewa, PK Varshney
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 40 (11), 2740 …, 2017
Permutation trellis coded multi-level FSK signaling to mitigate primary user interference in cognitive radio networks
R El-Bardan, E Masazade, O Ozdemir, YS Han, PK Varshney
IEEE Transactions on Communications 64 (1), 104-116, 2015
Narrowband interference resilient receiver design for unknown UWB signal detection
O Ozdemir, Z Sahinoglu, J Zhang
2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 785-789, 2008
Adaptive local quantizer design for tracking in a wireless sensor network
O Ozdemir, R Niu, PK Varshney
2008 42nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 1202-1206, 2008
A novel approach to dictionary construction for automatic modulation classification
B Dulek, O Ozdemir, PK Varshney, W Su
Journal of the Franklin Institute 351 (5), 2991-3012, 2014
Asynchronous hybrid maximum likelihood classification of linear modulations
O Ozdemir, PK Varshney, W Su
2013 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 3235-3240, 2013
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