Junaid Masud Laskar
Junaid Masud Laskar
Assistant Professor, SRM Research Institute, Dept. of Physics & Nanotechnology, SRM University
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Optical properties and applications of ferrofluids—a review
J Philip, JM Laskar
Journal of nanofluids 1 (1), 3-20, 2012
Experimental evidence for reversible zippering of chains in magnetic nanofluids under external magnetic fields
JM Laskar, J Philip, B Raj
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 80 (4 …, 2009
Magnetic field induced extinction of light in a suspension of Fe3O4 nanoparticles
J Philip, JM Laskar, B Raj
Applied Physics Letters 92 (22), 2008
Light scattering in a magnetically polarizable nanoparticle suspension
JM Laskar, J Philip, B Raj
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 78 (3 …, 2008
Measurement of thermal diffusivity of solids using infrared thermography
JM Laskar, S Bagavathiappan, M Sardar, T Jayakumar, J Philip, B Raj
Materials Letters 62 (17-18), 2740-2742, 2008
The effect of suspended Fe3O4 nanoparticle size on magneto-optical properties of ferrofluids
S Brojabasi, T Muthukumaran, JM Laskar, J Philip
Optics Communications 336, 278-285, 2015
Experimental investigation of magnetic-field-induced aggregation kinetics in nonaqueous ferrofluids
JM Laskar, J Philip, B Raj
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 82 (2 …, 2010
Comparison of light scattering from self assembled array of nanoparticle chains with cylinders
JM Laskar, S Brojabasi, B Raj, J Philip
Optics Communications 285 (6), 1242-1247, 2012
Recent Advances in Plasmonic Probes
R Biswas, N Mazumder
High refractive index immersion liquid for superresolution 3D imaging using sapphire-based aplanatic numerical aperture increasing lens optics
JM Laskar, PS Kumar, S Herminghaus, K E. Daniels, M Schröter
Applied Optics 55 (12), 3165-3169, 2016
Influence of yttrium doping on the nonlinear optical limiting properties of cadmium molybdate nanostructures
B Binish, KM Rahulan, A Dhanusha, TCS Girisun, JM Laskar
RSC advances 12 (42), 27145-27153, 2022
Temporal evolution of equilibrium and non-equilibrium magnetic field driven microstructures in a magnetic fluid
DK Mohapatra, JM Laskar, J Philip
Journal of Molecular Liquids 304, 112737, 2020
Enhanced transmission with tunable Fano-like profile in magnetic nanofluids
JM Laskar, B Raj, J Philip
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (5 …, 2011
Enhanced third order non-linear optical characteristics of Ba2+ doped CoMoO4 nanostructures
B Binish, KM Rahulan, TA Hegde, G Vinitha, JM Laskar
Optical materials 131, 112694, 2022
Path length tunable light-matter interaction in magnetic nanofluid based field-induced photonic crystal-glass structure
JM Laskar, B Raj, J Philip
New Journal of Physics 18, 103037, 2016
Growth, optical, mechanical, dielectric properties of UV-nonlinear optical single-crystal of [(NH4)(Cd (NCS) 3)]· C12H24O6
P Ilayaraja, V Ramesh, S Perumal, DV Sridevi, JM Laskar, K Rajarajan, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: B 286, 116053, 2022
Observation of discrete localized surface plasmon (LSP) states in isolated nanoscaled Ag-particles synthesized via photochemical reduction route
JM Laskar, D Mohanta, A Choudhury
The European Physical Journal-Applied Physics 46 (2), 20602, 2009
Engineering transmitted light speckle statistics with field-tunable magnetic nanofluid scatterers
H Sahoo, S Mujumdar, JM Laskar
Optics Communications 574, 131048, 2025
Incident angle-dependent dynamic tuning of high-purity structural colors with an array of nanovoids on a dielectric surface
H Radhakrishnan, TK Basha, JM Laskar, S Dhara, R Pandian
Pulsed Laser-Mediated Phototherapeutic Mechanisms for Biomedical Applications
LS Jacquline, P Naik, JM Laskar
Nanoscale Matter and Principles for Sensing and Labeling Applications, 369-388, 2024
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Articles 1–20