Flavio Silva
Flavio Silva
Professor of Computer Science, Department of Informatics (DI), University of Minho (UMinho)
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Empowering software defined wireless networks through media independent handover management
C Guimaraes, D Corujo, RL Aguiar, F Silva, P Frosi
2013 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2204-2209, 2013
Enabling future internet architecture research and experimentation by using software defined networking
F de OliveiraSilva, JH de Souza Pereira, PF Rosa, ST Kofuji
2012 European Workshop on Software Defined Networking, 73-78, 2012
An analysis of timber sections and deep learning for wood species classification
JRS André R. de Geus, Sérgio F. da Silva, Alexandre B. Gontijo, Flávio O ...
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2020
On the analysis of multicast traffic over the entity title architecture
F de Oliveira Silva, MA Gonçalves, JH de Souza Pereira, R Pasquini, ...
2012 18th IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON), 30-35, 2012
5GinFIRE: An end-to-end open5G vertical network function ecosystem
AP Silva, C Tranoris, S Denazis, S Sargento, J Pereira, M Luís, R Moreira, ...
Ad Hoc Networks 93, 101895, 2019
Survey on Machine Learning-Enabled Network Slicing: Covering the Entire Life Cycle
A Donatti, SL Correa, JSB Martins, AJG Abelem, CB Both, ...
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 21 (1), 994-1011, 2023
Title Model Ontology for Future Internet Networks
JH de Souza Pereira, F de Oliveira Silva, E Lopes Filho, ST Kofuji, ...
The future internet, 103-114, 2011
An innovative software-defined winemo architecture for advanced qos-guaranteed mobile service transport
FSD Silva, AV Neto, D Maciel, J Castillo-Lema, F Silva, P Frosi, ...
Computer Networks 107, 270-291, 2016
Improving security on iot applications based on the fiware platform
CT Oliveira, R Moreira, F de Oliveira Silva, RS Miani, PF Rosa
2018 IEEE 32nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking …, 2018
Software defined eHealth networking towards a truly mobile and reliable system
F Silva, J Castillo-Lema, A Neto, F Silva, P Rosa
2014 IEEE 16th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications …, 2014
A detailed relevance analysis of enabling technologies for 6G architectures
DGS Pivoto, TT Rezende, MSP Facina, R Moreira, F de Oliveira Silva, ...
IEEE Access 11, 89644-89684, 2023
Intelligent Tutoring System for Computer Science Education and the Use of Artificial Intelligence: A Literature Review
R Fransciso, F Silva
14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU) 1, 338-345, 2022
Entity title architecture extensions towards advanced quality-oriented mobility control capabilities
F Silva, J Castillo-Lema, A Neto, F Silva, P Rosa, D Corujo, C Guimarães, ...
2014 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 1-6, 2014
IEEE 802.21-enabled entity title architecture for handover optimization
C Guimaraes, D Corujo, F Silva, P Frosi, A Neto, RL Aguiar
2014 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2671-2676, 2014
Packet vision: a convolutional neural network approach for network traffic classification
R Moreira, LF Rodrigues, PF Rosa, RL Aguiar, F de Oliveira Silva
2020 33rd SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI …, 2020
A Web service authentication control system based on SRP and SAML
FO Silva, JAA Pacheco, PF Rosa
Web Services, 2005. ICWS 2005. Proceedings. 2005 IEEE International …, 2005
Disruptive 6G architecture: Software-centric, AI-driven, and digital market-based mobile networks
AM Alberti, DGS Pivoto, TT Rezende, AVA Leal, CB Both, MSP Facina, ...
Computer Networks 252, 110682, 2024
Enhancing network slicing architectures with machine learning, security, sustainability and experimental networks integration
JSB Martins, TC Carvalho, R Moreira, CB Both, A Donatti, JH Corrêa, ...
IEEE Access 11, 69144-69163, 2023
NASOR: A network slicing approach for multiple Autonomous Systems
R Moreira, PF Rosa, RLA Aguiar, F de Oliveira Silva
Computer Communications 179, 131-144, 2021
Mininet-NFV: Evolving Mininet with OASIS TOSCA NVF profiles Towards Reproducible NFV Prototyping
J Castillo-Lema, A Venâncio Neto, F de Oliveira Silva, S Takeo Kojufi
2019 IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft), 506-512, 2019
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