M Teresa Corzo Santamaría
M Teresa Corzo Santamaría
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Cited by
Sustainable development and financial system: Integrating ESG risks through sustainable investment strategies in a climate change context
M Folqué, E Escrig‐Olmedo, T Corzo Santamaría
Sustainable Development 29 (5), 876-890, 2021
A case for Europe: the relationship between Sovereign CDS and stock indexes
M Coronado, MT Corzo, L Lazcano
Frontiers in Finance and Economics 9 (2), 32-63, 2012
Behavioral Finance in Joseph de la Vega's Confusion de Confusiones
T Corzo, M Prat, E Vaquero
Journal of Behavioral Finance 15 (4), 341-350, 2014
Financial crises and the transfer of risk between the private and public sectors: Evidence from European financial markets
MT Corzo Santamaría, J Gómez- Biscarri, L Lazcano Benito
The Spanish Review of Financial Economics 12 (1), 1-14, 2014
Impact of education, age and gender on investor's sentiment: A survey of practitioners
M Gonzalez-Igual, TC Santamaria, AR Vieites
Heliyon 7 (3), 2021
Convergence within the EU: Evidence from interest rates
T Corzo Santamaria, ES Schwartz
Economic Notes 29 (2), 243-266, 2000
Contribution of sustainable investment to sustainable development within the framework of the SDGS: the role of the asset management industry
M Folqué, E Escrig-Olmedo, MT Corzo Santamaría
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal 14 (5), 1075-1100, 2023
La eficiencia en los mercados financieros: una introducción a la cuestión
JM Cortés, T Corzo
Revista Empresa y Humanismo, 81-106, 2009
Overconfidence, loss aversion and irrational investor behavior: A conceptual map
MG Igual, TC SantaMaria
Journal of Economic & Management Perspectives 11 (1), 273-290, 2017
Nonparametric estimation of convergence of interest rates: Effects on bond pricing
T Corzo Santamaría, J Gómez-Biscarri
Spanish Economic Review 7 (3), 167-190, 2005
Anomalías en la valoración de activos y CAPM en la Bolsa de Madrid. 1988-1994
T Corzo, E Martínez-Abascal
Trabajo presentado en el IV Foro de Finanzas, Madrid, 373-387, 1996
One year of European premiers leadership and empathy in times of global pandemic: a Twitter sentiment analysis
JL Arroyo Barrigüete, L Barcos, C Bellón, T Corzo
Cogent Social Sciences 8 (1), 2115693, 2022
A common risk factor in global credit and equity markets: An exploratory analysis of the subprime and the sovereign-debt crises
T Corzo, L Lazcano, J Márquez, L Gismera, S Lumbreras
Heliyon 6 (6), 2020
Beta como medida del riesgo en mercados bajistas. Una aplicación a la Bolsa de Madrid
T Corzo, S Iglesias
V foro de finanzas. Nuevos desarrollos financieros, 575-587, 1997
Early market efficiency testing among hydrogen players
TC Santamaría, K Martin-Bujack, J Portela, R Sáenz-Diez
International Review of Economics & Finance 82, 723-742, 2022
Nonparametric estimation of interest rates processes in Europe
T Corzo Santamaría, JG Gómez-Biscarri
Revista de Economia aplicada 9 (27), 83-101, 2001
Timid performance fees in mutual funds
T Corzo Santamaría, C Martinez de Ibarreta, J Rodriguez Calvo
Journal of Asset Management 19, 64-77, 2018
Prevailing Behavioral Biases and Investor Profiles: A Survey to Professional Investors
M González-Igual, TC Santamaría, PC Agustín
SSRN, 2017
Credit Default Swaps and Financial Risks in the 21 Century
K Bujack, MT Corzo
Available at SSRN 2752073, 2016
International diversification and global credit risk: A methodology for portfolio building 1
K Martin-Bujack, MT Corzo, I Figuerola-Ferretti
UCJC Business and Society Review, 92-136, 2018
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Articles 1–20