Jian Chen
Jian Chen
Associate Professor, IAMT, CASHIPS
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Aerosol Air Qual
CH Yu, CH Huang, CS Tan
Res 12 (5), 745-769, 2012
A survey on CPG-inspired control models and system implementation
J Yu, M Tan, J Chen, J Zhang
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 25 (3), 441-456, 2013
Leader-follower formation control of multiple non-holonomic mobile robots incorporating a receding-horizon scheme
J Chen, D Sun, J Yang, H Chen
The International Journal of Robotics Research 29 (6), 727-747, 2010
Highly efficient classification and identification of human pathogenic bacteria by MALDI-TOF MS
SY Hsieh, CL Tseng, YS Lee, AJ Kuo, CF Sun, YH Lin, JK Chen
Molecular & cellular proteomics 7 (2), 448-456, 2008
Micro-sized silicon–carbon composites composed of carbon-coated sub-10 nm Si primary particles as high-performance anode materials for lithium-ion batteries
J Song, S Chen, M Zhou, T Xu, D Lv, ML Gordin, T Long, M Melnyk, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (5), 1257-1262, 2014
Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used to treat human diseases in Berbere District, Bale Zone of Oromia Regional State, South East Ethiopia
TT Jima, M Megersa
Evidence‐Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2018 (1), 8602945, 2018
Sodium tanshinone IIA sulfonate depresses angiotensin II-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy through MEK/ERK pathway
L Yang, X Zou, Q Liang, H Chen, J Feng, L Yan, Z Wang, D Zhou, S Li, ...
Experimental & molecular medicine 39 (1), 65-73, 2007
Localization for multirobot formations in indoor environment
H Chen, D Sun, J Yang, J Chen
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 15 (4), 561-574, 2009
Resource constrained multirobot task allocation based on leader–follower coalition methodology
J Chen, D Sun
The International Journal of Robotics Research 30 (12), 1423-1434, 2011
Asymmetric hydroesterification of styrene by PdCl2-CuCl2-chiral phosphine catalyst systems
H Zhou, J Hou, J Cheng, S Lu, H Fu, H Wang
Journal of organometallic chemistry 543 (1-2), 227-228, 1997
Coalition-based approach to task allocation of multiple robots with resource constraints
J Chen, D Sun
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 9 (3), 516-528, 2012
Y. Wang, et al
G Chen, T Jefferson, HC Rawski
Multilevel-based topology design and shape control of robot swarms
X Yan, J Chen, D Sun
Automatica 48 (12), 3122-3127, 2012
Survey of health literacy level and related influencing factors in military college students in Chongqing, China: a cross-sectional analysis
H Rong, X Cheng, JM Garcia, L Zhang, L Lu, J Fang, M Le, P Hu, X Dong, ...
PLoS One 12 (5), e0177776, 2017
The solar photospheric abundance of phosphorus: results from CO5BOLD 3D model atmospheres
E Caffau, M Steffen, L Sbordone, HG Ludwig, P Bonifacio
Astronomy & Astrophysics 473 (2), L9-L12, 2007
Prenatal and early life home environment exposure in relation to preschool children’s asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema in Taiyuan, China
ZH Zhao, X Zhang, RR Liu, D Norback, G Wieslander, J Chen, J Sundell
Chinese Science Bulletin 58, 4245-4251, 2013
Statistical estimations of atmospheric duct over the South China Sea and the tropical eastern Indian Ocean
XF Zhao, DX Wang, SX Huang, K Huang, J Chen
Chinese science bulletin 58, 2794-2797, 2013
The beam-based calibration of an X-ray pinhole camera at SSRF
YB Leng, GQ Huang, MZ Zhang, ZC Chen, J Chen, KR Ye
Chinese physics C 36 (1), 80, 2012
Microbiology for minerals, metals, materials and the environment
BD Pandey, KA Natarajan
CRC Press, 2015
Quantitative uncertainty analysis in air pollutant emission inventories: methodology and case study
LJ Zhong, JY Zheng, GQ Lei, J Chen
Research of environmental Sciences 20 (4), 15-20, 2007
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