Dr. Kaustuv Manna
Dr. Kaustuv Manna
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
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Cited by
Discovery of topological Weyl fermion lines and drumhead surface states in a room temperature magnet
I Belopolski*, K Manna*, DS Sanchez*, G Chang*, B Ernst, J Yin, ...
Science 365 (6459), 1278-1281, 2019
Topological chiral crystals with helicoid-arc quantum states
DS Sanchez, I Belopolski, TA Cochran, X Xu, JX Yin, G Chang, W Xie, ...
Nature 567 (7749), 500-505, 2019
Heusler, weyl and berry
K Manna, Y Sun, L Muechler, J Kübler, C Felser
Nature Reviews Materials 3 (8), 244-256, 2018
Chiral topological semimetal with multifold band crossings and long Fermi arcs
NBM Schröter, D Pei, MG Vergniory, Y Sun, K Manna, F De Juan, ...
Nature Physics 15 (8), 759-765, 2019
Zero‐Field Nernst Effect in a Ferromagnetic Kagome‐Lattice Weyl‐Semimetal Co3Sn2S2
SN Guin, P Vir, Y Zhang, N Kumar, SJ Watzman, C Fu, E Liu, K Manna, ...
Advanced Materials 31 (25), 1806622, 2019
Anomalous Nernst effect beyond the magnetization scaling relation in the ferromagnetic Heusler compound Co2MnGa
SN Guin, K Manna, J Noky, SJ Watzman, C Fu, N Kumar, W Schnelle, ...
NPG Asia Materials 11 (1), 16, 2019
Extremely high magnetoresistance and conductivity in the type-II Weyl semimetals WP2 and MoP2
N Kumar, Y Sun, N Xu, K Manna, M Yao, V Süss, I Leermakers, O Young, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1642, 2017
Helicity-dependent photocurrents in the chiral Weyl semimetal RhSi
D Rees, K Manna, B Lu, T Morimoto, H Borrmann, C Felser, JE Moore, ...
Science advances 6 (29), eaba0509, 2020
From colossal to zero: controlling the anomalous Hall effect in magnetic Heusler compounds via Berry curvature design
K Manna, L Muechler, TH Kao, R Stinshoff, Y Zhang, J Gooth, N Kumar, ...
Physical Review X 8 (4), 041045, 2018
Observation and control of maximal Chern numbers in a chiral topological semimetal
NBM Schröter, S Stolz, K Manna, F De Juan, MG Vergniory, JA Krieger, ...
Science 369 (6500), 179-183, 2020
Giant topological longitudinal circular photo-galvanic effect in the chiral multifold semimetal CoSi
Z Ni, K Wang, Y Zhang, O Pozo, B Xu, X Han, K Manna, J Paglione, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 154, 2021
Topological quantum materials from the viewpoint of chemistry
N Kumar, SN Guin, K Manna, C Shekhar, C Felser
Chemical Reviews 121 (5), 2780-2815, 2020
Topological engineering of Pt‐group‐metal‐based chiral crystals toward high‐efficiency hydrogen evolution catalysts
Q Yang, G Li, K Manna, F Fan, C Felser, Y Sun
Advanced Materials 32 (14), 1908518, 2020
Berry curvature unravelled by the anomalous Nernst effect in
C Wuttke, F Caglieris, S Sykora, F Scaravaggi, AUB Wolter, K Manna, ...
Physical Review B 100 (8), 085111, 2019
Prediction of a magnetic Weyl semimetal without spin-orbit coupling and strong anomalous Hall effect in the Heusler compensated ferrimagnet
W Shi, L Muechler, K Manna, Y Zhang, K Koepernik, R Car, ...
Physical Review B 97 (6), 060406, 2018
Investigating Size- and Temperature-Dependent Coercivity and Saturation Magnetization in PEG Coated Fe3O4 Nanoparticles
C Nayek, K Manna, G Bhattacharjee, P Murugavel, I Obaidat
Magnetochemistry 3 (2), 19, 2017
Extremely high conductivity observed in the triple point topological metal MoP
N Kumar, Y Sun, M Nicklas, SJ Watzman, O Young, I Leermakers, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 2475, 2019
Observation of giant spin-split Fermi-arc with maximal Chern number in the chiral topological semimetal PtGa
M Yao*, K Manna*#, Q Yang, A Fedorov, V Voroshnin, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 2033, 2020
Unusual magnetotransport from Si-square nets in topological semimetal HfSiS
N Kumar, K Manna, Y Qi, SC Wu, L Wang, B Yan, C Felser, C Shekhar
Physical Review B 95 (12), 121109, 2017
Iridium double perovskite : A combined structural and specific heat study
LT Corredor, G Aslan-Cansever, M Sturza, K Manna, A Maljuk, S Gass, ...
Physical Review B 95 (6), 064418, 2017
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Articles 1–20