Keke Zhai
Keke Zhai
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Cited by
CP-activated WASD neuronet approach to Asian population prediction with abundant experimental verification
Y Zhang, D Guo, Z Luo, K Zhai, H Tan
Neurocomputing 198, 48-57, 2016
Challenging simulation practice (failure and success) on implicit tracking control of double-integrator system via Zhang-gradient method
Y Zhang, K Zhai, D Chen, L Jin, C Hu
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 120, 104-119, 2016
Dynamic load balancing for compressible multiphase turbulence
K Zhai, T Banerjee, D Zwick, J Hackl, S Ranka
Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Supercomputing, 318-327, 2018
Design and illustration of ZG controllers for linear and nonlinear tracking control of double-integrator system
Y Zhang, K Zhai, Y Wang, D Chen, C Peng
Proceedings of the 33rd Chinese control conference, 3462-3467, 2014
Chebyshev-polynomial neuronet, WASD algorithm and world population prediction from past 10000-year rough data
D Guo, Y Zhang, L He, K Zhai, H Tan
The 27th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2015 CCDC), 1702-1707, 2015
Acceleration-level minimum kinetic energy (MKE) scheme derived via ma equivalence for motion planning of redundant robot manipulators
D Guo, K Zhai, Z Xiao, H Tan, Y Zhang
2014 Seventh International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and …, 2014
Zhang-gradient controllers for tracking control of multiple-integrator systems
Y Zhang, S Ding, D Chen, M Mao, K Zhai
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 137 (11), 111013, 2015
Zhang equivalence of different-level robotic schemes: An MVN case study based on PA10 robot manipulator
D Guo, K Zhai, X Yu, B Cai, Y Zhang
2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 1592 …, 2013
Validation of WASD neuronet fitting method applied to Asian population projection: 9 years within 1.9% error in average
Y Zhang, Z Luo, D Guo, K Zhai, H Tan
Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information …, 2014
Dynamic load balancing for a mesh‐based scientific application
K Zhai, T Banerjee, D Zwick, J Hackl, R Koneru, S Ranka
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 32 (9), e5626, 2020
Batched small tensor-matrix multiplications on GPUs
K Zhai, T Banerjee, A Wijayasiri, S Ranka
2020 IEEE 27th International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data …, 2020
SparsePipe: Parallel Deep Learning for 3D Point Clouds
K Zhai, P He, T Banerjee, A Rangarajan, S Ranka
2020 IEEE 27th International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data …, 2020
A Post-Training Enhanced Optimization Approach for Small Language Models
K Zhai
arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.02939, 2024
A Method for Enhancing the Safety of Large Model Generation Based on Multi-dimensional Attack and Defense
K Zhai
arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.00517, 2024
Load Balancing Sparse Dataset Based Applications on Hybrid Multicore Architectures
K Zhai
University of Florida, 2020
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Articles 1–15