Tomáš Větrovský
Tomáš Větrovský
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The variability of the 16S rRNA gene in bacterial genomes and its consequences for bacterial community analyses
T Větrovský, P Baldrian
PloS one 8 (2), e57923, 2013
Active and total microbial communities in forest soil are largely different and highly stratified during decomposition
P Baldrian, M Kolařík, M Štursová, J Kopecký, V Valášková, T Větrovský, ...
The ISME journal 6 (2), 248-258, 2012
Microbial activity in forest soil reflects the changes in ecosystem properties between summer and winter
L Žifčáková, T Větrovský, A Howe, P Baldrian
Environmental microbiology 18 (1), 288-301, 2016
A meta-analysis of global fungal distribution reveals climate-driven patterns
T Větrovský, P Kohout, M Kopecký, A Machac, M Man, BD Bahnmann, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 5142, 2019
SEED 2: a user-friendly platform for amplicon high-throughput sequencing data analyses
T Větrovský, P Baldrian, D Morais
Bioinformatics 34 (13), 2292-2294, 2018
Potential of cometabolic transformation of polysaccharides and lignin in lignocellulose by soil Actinobacteria
T Větrovský, KT Steffen, P Baldrian
PloS one 9 (2), e89108, 2014
Analysis of soil fungal communities by amplicon pyrosequencing: current approaches to data analysis and the introduction of the pipeline SEED
T Větrovský, P Baldrian
Biology and Fertility of Soils 49, 1027-1037, 2013
Estimation of fungal biomass in forest litter and soil
P Baldrian, T Větrovský, T Cajthaml, P Dobiášová, M Petránková, J Šnajdr, ...
Fungal ecology 6 (1), 1-11, 2013
High-throughput sequencing view on the magnitude of global fungal diversity
P Baldrian, T Větrovský, C Lepinay, P Kohout
Fungal Diversity 114 (1), 539-547, 2022
GlobalFungi, a global database of fungal occurrences from high-throughput-sequencing metabarcoding studies
T Větrovský, D Morais, P Kohout, C Lepinay, C Algora, S Awokunle Hollá, ...
Scientific Data 7 (1), 228, 2020
Differential sensitivity of total and active soil microbial communities to drought and forest management
F Bastida, IF Torres, M Andrés‐Abellán, P Baldrian, R López‐Mondéjar, ...
Global Change Biology 23 (10), 4185-4203, 2017
The bacterial community inhabiting temperate deciduous forests is vertically stratified and undergoes seasonal dynamics
R López-Mondéjar, J Voříšková, T Větrovský, P Baldrian
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 87, 43-50, 2015
Functional screening of abundant bacteria from acidic forest soil indicates the metabolic potential of Acidobacteria subdivision 1 for polysaccharide decomposition
S Lladó, L Žifčáková, T Větrovský, I Eichlerová, P Baldrian
Biology and fertility of soils 52, 251-260, 2016
Feed in summer, rest in winter: microbial carbon utilization in forest topsoil
L Žifčáková, T Větrovský, V Lombard, B Henrissat, A Howe, P Baldrian
Microbiome 5, 1-12, 2017
Combined effects of reduced irrigation and water quality on the soil microbial community of a citrus orchard under semi-arid conditions
F Bastida, IF Torres, C Romero-Trigueros, P Baldrian, T Větrovský, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 104, 226-237, 2017
Drivers of yeast community composition in the litter and soil of a temperate forest
T Mašínová, BD Bahnmann, T Větrovský, M Tomšovský, K Merunková, ...
FEMS microbiology ecology 93 (2), fiw223, 2017
The rpb2 gene represents a viable alternative molecular marker for the analysis of environmental fungal communities
T Větrovský, M Kolařík, L Žifčáková, T Zelenka, P Baldrian
Molecular Ecology Resources 16 (2), 388-401, 2016
The potential of dark septate endophytes to form root symbioses with ectomycorrhizal and ericoid mycorrhizal middle European forest plants
T Lukešová, P Kohout, T Větrovský, M Vohník
PLoS One 10 (4), e0124752, 2015
Metagenomics and stable isotope probing reveal the complementary contribution of fungal and bacterial communities in the recycling of dead biomass in forest soil
R López-Mondéjar, V Tláskal, T Větrovský, M Štursová, R Toscan, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 148, 107875, 2020
Complementary roles of wood-inhabiting fungi and bacteria facilitate deadwood decomposition
V Tláskal, V Brabcová, T Větrovský, M Jomura, R López-Mondéjar, ...
Msystems 6 (1), 10.1128/msystems. 01078-20, 2021
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Articles 1–20