Jennifer Palmer
Jennifer Palmer
Other namesJennifer L Palmer
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Temporally Resolved, Two-Line Fluorescence Imaging of NO Temperature in a Transverse Jet in a Supersonic Cross Flow
BK McMillin, JL Palmer, RK Hanson
Applied Optics 32 (36), 7532–7545, 1993
Definition of an airworthiness certification framework for civil unmanned aircraft systems
RA Clothier, JL Palmer, RA Walker, NL Fulton
Safety science 49 (6), 871-885, 2011
Characterisation of a hybrid, fuel-cell-based propulsion system for small unmanned aircraft
D Verstraete, K Lehmkuehler, A Gong, JR Harvey, G Brian, JL Palmer
Journal of power sources 250, 204-211, 2014
Planar fluorescence imaging of a transverse jet in a supersonic crossflow
MP Lee, BK McMillin, JL Palmer, RK Hanson
Journal of Propulsion and Power 8 (4), 729–735, 1992
Enabling technologies for autonomous MAV operations
M Elbanhawi, A Mohamed, R Clothier, JL Palmer, M Simic, S Watkins
Progress in Aerospace Sciences 91, 27-52, 2017
Performance of a hybrid, fuel-cell-based power system during simulated small unmanned aircraft missions
A Gong, JL Palmer, G Brian, JR Harvey, D Verstraete
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41 (26), 11418-11426, 2016
Experimental investigation of the role of the battery in the AeroStack hybrid, fuel-cell-based propulsion system for small unmanned aircraft systems
D Verstraete, A Gong, DDC Lu, JL Palmer
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 40 (3), 1598-1606, 2015
Temperature imaging in a supersonic free jet of combustion gases with two-line OH fluorescence
JL Palmer, RK Hanson
Applied Optics 35 (3), 485–499, 1996
Autonomous multi-robot search for a hazardous source in a turbulent environment
B Ristic, D Angley, B Moran, JL Palmer
Sensors 17 (4), 918, 2017
Analysis of a fuel-cell/battery/supercapacitor hybrid propulsion system for a UAV using a hardware-in-the-loop flight simulator
A Gong, R MacNeill, D Verstraete, JL Palmer
2018 AIAA/IEEE electric aircraft technologies symposium (EATS), 1-17, 2018
KLD sampling with Gmapping proposal for Monte Carlo localization of mobile robots
RP Guan, B Ristic, L Wang, JL Palmer
Information Fusion 49, 79-88, 2019
ColMap: A memory-efficient occupancy grid mapping framework
A Fisher, R Cannizzaro, M Cochrane, C Nagahawatte, JL Palmer
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 142, 103755, 2021
Preliminary sizing correlations for fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle characteristics
D Verstraete, JL Palmer, M Hornung
Journal of Aircraft 55 (2), 715-726, 2018
Planar laser-induced fluorescence imaging of velocity and temperature in shock tunnel free jet flow
JL Palmer, BK McMillin, RK Hanson
AIAA 30th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1992
Hardware-in-the-loop simulation of fuel-cell-based hybrid-electrical UAV propulsion
D Verstraete, JR Harvey, JL Palmer
Proceedings of the 28th Congress of the International Council of the …, 2012
Shock tunnel flow visualization using planar laser-induced fluorescence of nitric oxide and the hydroxyl radical
JL Palmer, RK Hanson
Shock Waves 4 (6), 313–323, 1995
Definition of airworthiness categories for civil Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
R Clothier, J Palmer, R Walker, N Fulton
Proceedings of the 27th Congress of the International Council of the …, 2010
Experimentally validated extended kalman filter for uav state estimation using low-cost sensors
SPH Driessen, NHJ Janssen, L Wang, JL Palmer, H Nijmeijer
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (15), 43-48, 2018
Flight test of a fuel-cell/battery/supercapacitor triple hybrid uav propulsion system
A Gong, JL Palmer, D Verstraete
31st Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, 11, 2018
Application of the method of characteristics to underexpanded free-jet flows with vibrational nonequilibrium
JL Palmer, RK Hanson
AIAA Journal 36 (2), 193–200, 1998
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