Angeliki Chrysanthi
Angeliki Chrysanthi
Assistant Professor, Department of Cultural Technology and Communication, University of the Aegean
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Cited by
The museum as digital storyteller: Collaborative participatory creation of interactive digital experiences
M Roussou, L Pujol, A Katifori, A Chrysanthi, S Perry, M Vayanou
MW2015: Museums and the Web 2015, 2015
“Let them talk!” exploring guided group interaction in digital storytelling experiences
A Katifori, S Perry, M Vayanou, A Antoniou, IP Ioannidis, S McKinney, ...
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 13 (3), 1-30, 2020
Cultural Heritage and Social Experiences in the Times of COVID 19
M Vayanou, A Katifori, A Chrysanthi, A Antoniou
AVI2CH 2020 Advanced Visual Interfaces and Interactions in Cultural Heritage, 2020
Cultivating mobile-mediated social interaction in the museum: Towards group-based digital storytelling experiences
K Katifori, Perry, Vayanou, Pujol, Chrysanthi
MW2016: Museums and the Web 2016, 2016
Personalized and content adaptive cultural heritage path recommendation: an application to the Gournia and Çatalhöyük archaeological sites
G Alexandridis, A Chrysanthi, GE Tsekouras, G Caridakis
User modeling and user-adapted interaction 29 (1), 201-238, 2019
Thinking beyond the tool
A Chrysanthi, PM Flores, C Papadopoulos
Archaeological computing and the interpretive process 2344, 2012
Paperless recording at the Sangro Valley project
CF Motz, SC Carrier
Archaeology in the Digital Era, 25, 2013
‘Tangible pasts’: user-centred design of a mixed reality application for cultural heritage
A Chrysanthi, C Papadopoulos, T Frankland, G Earl
Archaeology in the Digital Era 31, 2012
Archaeological computing: towards prosthesis or amputation?
A Chrysanthi, P Murrieta Flores, C Papadopoulos
Archaeopress, 2012
The Camera “at the Trowel’s Edge”: Personal Video Recording in Archaeological Research
A Chrysanthi, Ċ Berggren, R Davies, GP Earl, J Knibbe
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 23 (1), 238-270, 2016
Collocated interaction in cultural storytelling experiences: How to coordinate visitor actions
M Vayanou, A Katifori, A Chrysanthi, A Antoniou
Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative …, 2016
Amsterdam University Press: Amsterdam
G Earl, T Sly, A Chrysanthi, P Murrieta-Flores, C Papadopoulos, ...
The Netherlands, 118-130, 2013
Place-based digital storytelling. the interplay between narrative forms and the cultural heritage space
A Chrysanthi, A Katifori, M Vayanou, A Antoniou
International conference on emerging technologies and the digital …, 2021
Visitor movement and tracking techniques. A visitor-sourced methodology for the interpretation of archaeological sites
A Chrysanthi, GP Earl, H Pagi
International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era 1 (1_suppl), 33-37, 2012
Archaeology in the digital era: papers from the 40th Annual Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Southampton, 26-29 March 2012
T Sly, P Murrieta-Flores, G Earl, C Papadopoulos, I Romanowska, ...
Amsterdam University Press, 2014
Quick and dirty: streamlined 3D scanning in archaeology
J Knibbe, KP O'Hara, A Chrysanthi, MT Marshall, PD Bennett, G Earl, ...
Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative …, 2014
“Real Change Comes from Within!”: Towards a Symbiosis of Human and Digital Guides in the Museum
A Antoniou, M Vayanou, A Katifori, A Chrysanthi, F Cheilitsi, Y Ioannidis
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 15 (1), 2021
Supporting the Conservation and Restoration OpenLab of the Acropolis of Ancient Tiryns through Data Modelling and Exploitation of Digital Media
E Moraitou, M Konstantakis, A Chrysanthi, Y Christodoulou, G Pavlidis, ...
Computers 12 (5), 96, 2023
Site visualization and presentation
S Perry, A Chrysanthi, I Kirkpatrick, E Emond, A Henderson, L Wheeler, ...
Çatalhöyük, 2014
Archaeology in the digital era
E Richardson, L Grosman, U Smilansky, M Werman, G Earl, T Sly, ...
Extracting Scar and Ridge Features from 3D-scanned Lithic Artifacts …, 2014
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Articles 1–20