Cesar Vandevelde
Cesar Vandevelde
PhD Student - Ghent University - Department of Industrial System and Product Design
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Zitiert von
Design and evaluation of a DIY construction system for educational robot kits
C Vandevelde, F Wyffels, MC Ciocci, B Vanderborght, J Saldien
International Journal of Technology and Design Education 26, 521-540, 2016
Overview of technologies for building robots in the classroom
C Vandevelde, J Saldien, MC Ciocci, B Vanderborght
International conference on robotics in education, 122-130, 2013
Towards participatory design of social robots
A Darriba Frederiks, JR Octavia, C Vandevelde, J Saldien
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2019: 17th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2019
Do-it-yourself design for social robots: An open-source hardware platform to encourage innovation
C Vandevelde, F Wyffels, B Vanderborght, J Saldien
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 24 (1), 86-94, 2017
Systems overview of Ono: a DIY reproducible open source social robot
C Vandevelde, J Saldien, MC Ciocci, B Vanderborght
Social Robotics: 5th International Conference, ICSR 2013, Bristol, UK …, 2013
Ono, a DIY Open Source Platform for Social Robotics
C Vandevelde, J Saldien, MC Ciocci, B Vanderborght
International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, 2014
Prototyping tangible user interfaces: Case study of the collaboration between academia and industry
P Conradie, C Vandevelde, J De Ville, J Saldien
International Journal of Engineering Education 32 (2), 726-737, 2016
Demonstration of OPSORO-an open platform for social robots
C Vandevelde, J Saldien
2016 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI …, 2016
An open platform for the design of social robot embodiments for face-to-face communication
C Vandevelde, J Saldien
2016 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI …, 2016
Prototyping social interactions with DIY animatronic creatures
C Vandevelde, M Vanhoucke, J Saldien
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and …, 2015
The Use of Social Robot Ono in Robot Assisted Therapy
C Vandevelde, J Saldien, C Ciocci, B Vanderborght
International Conference on Social Robotics, 2013
Playful interaction: designing and evaluating a tangible rhythmic musical interface
C Vandevelde, P Conradie, J De Ville, J Saldien
INTER-FACE: The Second International Conference on Live Interfaces, 1-7, 2014
Oto–a diy platform for mobile social robots in education
T Vervisch, N Doms, S Descamps, C Vandevelde, F Wyffels, S Verstockt, ...
Robotics in Education: Latest Results and Developments, 257-262, 2018
Serious game as educational tool for safety and prevention
M Vanhoucke, C Vandevelde, J Ingels, G Hamon, J Saldien
Workshop Participatory Design for Serious Game Design: Truth and Lies, 2014
Demonstration of OPSORO's Grid System: Design a Working Social Robot in Only 2 Hours
J Saldien, S Notebaert, C Vandevelde, D Bovijn
Proceedings of the Companion of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference …, 2017
Studie naar het ontwerp van'DIY Social Robots'
C Vandevelde
Study on the design of DIY social robots
C Vandevelde
Ghent University, 2017
Ono: an open platform for social robotics
C Vandevelde, J Saldien
15th FEA PhD Symposium, 57-57, 2014
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