Antonio J. Conejo
Antonio J. Conejo
Professor, The Ohio State University
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ARIMA models to predict next-day electricity prices
J Contreras, R Espinola, FJ Nogales, AJ Conejo
IEEE transactions on power systems 18 (3), 1014-1020, 2003
Decision making under uncertainty in electricity markets
AJ Conejo, M Carrión, JM Morales
Springer 1, 376-384, 2010
Forecasting next-day electricity prices by time series models
FJ Nogales, J Contreras, AJ Conejo, R Espínola
IEEE Transactions on power systems 17 (2), 342-348, 2002
Day-ahead electricity price forecasting using the wavelet transform and ARIMA models
AJ Conejo, MA Plazas, R Espinola, AB Molina
IEEE transactions on power systems 20 (2), 1035-1042, 2005
Real-time demand response model
AJ Conejo, JM Morales, L Baringo
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 1 (3), 236-242, 2010
Decomposition techniques in mathematical programming: engineering and science applications
AJ Conejo, E Castillo, R Minguez, R Garcia-Bertrand
Springer Science & Business Media, 2006
Electric energy systems: analysis and operation
A Gómez-Expósito, AJ Conejo, C Cañizares
CRC press, 2018
Complementarity modeling in energy markets
SA Gabriel, AJ Conejo, JD Fuller, BF Hobbs, C Ruiz
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Integrating renewables in electricity markets: operational problems
JM Morales, AJ Conejo, H Madsen, P Pinson, M Zugno
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Economic valuation of reserves in power systems with high penetration of wind power
JM Morales, AJ Conejo, J Pérez-Ruiz
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 24 (2), 900-910, 2009
Forecasting electricity prices for a day-ahead pool-based electric energy market
AJ Conejo, J Contreras, R Espínola, MA Plazas
International journal of forecasting 21 (3), 435-462, 2005
Optimal response of a thermal unit to an electricity spot market
JM Arroyo, AJ Conejo
IEEE Transactions on power systems 15 (3), 1098-1104, 2000
Transmission expansion planning: A mixed-integer LP approach
N Alguacil, AL Motto, AJ Conejo
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 18 (3), 1070-1077, 2003
Short-term trading for a wind power producer
JM Morales, AJ Conejo, J Pérez-Ruiz
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 25 (1), 554-564, 2010
Z-bus loss allocation
AJ Conejo, FD Galiana, I Kockar
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 16 (1), 105-110, 2001
Market-clearing with stochastic security-part I: formulation
F Bouffard, FD Galiana, AJ Conejo
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 20 (4), 1818-1826, 2005
Transmission loss allocation: a comparison of different practical algorithms
AJ Conejo, JM Arroyo, N Alguacil, AL Guijarro
IEEE transactions on Power Systems 17 (3), 571-576, 2002
Pool strategy of a producer with endogenous formation of locational marginal prices
C Ruiz, AJ Conejo
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 24 (4), 1855-1866, 2009
Self-scheduling of a hydro producer in a pool-based electricity market
AJ Conejo, JM Arroyo, J Contreras, FA Villamor
IEEE Transactions on power systems 17 (4), 1265-1272, 2002
Probabilistic power flow with correlated wind sources
JM Morales, L Baringo, AJ Conejo, R Mínguez
IET generation, transmission & distribution 4 (5), 641-651, 2010
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