alexandre philippot
alexandre philippot
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Contribution au diagnostic décentralisé des systèmes à événements discrets: Application aux systèmes manufacturiers
A Philippot
Reims, 2006
A synthesis approach to distributed supervisory control design for manufacturing systems with Grafcet implementation
Y Qamsane, A Tajer, A Philippot
International Journal of Production Research 55 (15), 4283-4303, 2017
Decentralized diagnosis based on Boolean discrete event models: application on manufacturing systems
M Sayed-Mouchaweh, A Philippot, V Carré-Ménétrier
International journal of production research 46 (19), 5469-5490, 2008
Unconditional decentralized structure for the fault diagnosis of discrete event systems
A Philippot, M Sayed-Mouchaweh, V Carré-Ménétrier
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 40 (6), 67-72, 2007
HOME I/O and FACTORY I/O: 2 Pieces of innovative PO simulation software for automation education
A Philippot, B Riera, M Koza, R Pichard, R Saddem, F Gellot, ...
2017 27th EAEEIE Annual Conference (EAEEIE), 1-6, 2017
Causal temporal signature from diagnoser model for online diagnosis of discrete event systems
R Saddem, A Philippot
2014 international conference on control, decision and information …, 2014
Safety of manufacturing systems controllers by logical constraints with safety filter
R Pichard, A Philippot, R Saddem, B Riera
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 27 (4), 1659-1667, 2018
From GRAFCET to Equivalent Graph for synthesis control of discrete events systems
A Philippot, A Tajer
18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED'10, 683-688, 2010
A methodology for automatic generation, formal verification and implementation of safe PLC programs for power supply equipment of the electric lines of railway control systems
M Niang, B Riera, A Philippot, J Zaytoon, F Gellot, R Coupat
Computers in Industry 123, 103328, 2020
Attention et expérience à l’âge du neurototalitarisme
F Berardi, C Brenguier, P Alexandre
L’économie de l’attention: nouvel horizon du capitalisme, 149, 2014
Sur la présence du Llanv i rn au P ue rto Sueve (zone orientale des Asturies, NO de l'Espagne)
J Pello, A Philippot
Compte Rendu sommaire des Séances de la Société G é ol ogique de France, 156-157, 1967
Model-based engineering for designing cyber-physical systems from product specifications
A Parant, F Gellot, D Zander, V Carré-Ménétrier, A Philippot
Computers in Industry 145, 103808, 2023
Méthodologie de modélisation dans le cadre de la synthèse formelle des SED
A Philippot, A Tajer, F Gellot, V Carre-Menetrier
Douz, Tunisie, papier, 6, 2004
Advanced tools for the control engineer in Industry 4.0
A Philippot, B Riera, V Kunreddy, S Debernard
2018 IEEE Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS), 555-560, 2018
A non-intrusive method to make safe existing PLC Program
B Riera, A Philippot, R Coupat, F Gellot, D Annebicque
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (21), 320-325, 2015
Synthèse de la commande spécifiée en Grafcet: application à un préhenseur pneumatique
A Philippot, A Tajer, F Gellot, V Carré-Ménétrier
Colloque Francophone sur la modélisation des systèmes réactifs, MSR’03, 61-75, 2003
Teaching the first and only logic control course with HOME I/O and Scratch 2.0
B Riera, A Philippot, D Annebicque
IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (9), 109-114, 2019
Towards an approach of synthesis, validation and implementation of distributed control for AMS by using events ordering relations
Y Qamsane, A Tajer, A Philippot
International Journal of Production Research 55 (21), 6235-6253, 2017
Generation of candidates' tree for the fault diagnosis of discrete event systems
A Philippot, M Sayed-Mouchaweh, V Carré-Ménétrier, B Riera
Control engineering practice 19 (9), 1002-1013, 2011
Discrete event model-based approach for fault detection and isolation of manufacturing systems
A Philippot, M Sayed-Mouchaweh, V Carré-Ménétrier
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 42 (5), 69-74, 2009
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Articles 1–20