Nima Kargah-Ostadi
Nima Kargah-Ostadi
VP of Research, Callentis Consulting Group
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Cited by
Network-level pavement roughness prediction model for rehabilitation recommendations
N Kargah-Ostadi, SM Stoffels, N Tabatabaee
Transportation Research Record 2155 (1), 124-133, 2010
Framework for Development and Comprehensive Comparison of Empirical Pavement Performance Models
N Kargah-Ostadi, SM Stoffels
Journal of Transportation Engineering 141 (8), 04015012, 2015
Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques for Developing Performance Prediction Models
N Kargah-Ostadi
Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (2014), 1222-1229, 2014
Monitoring Pavement Surface Macrotexture and Friction: Case Study
N Kargah-Ostadi, A Howard
Transportation Research Record 2525 (1), 111-117, 2015
Developing Performance Prediction Models for Pavement Management Systems in Local Governments in Absence of Age Data
N Kargah-Ostadi, Y Zhou, T Rahman
Transportation Research Record 2673 (3), 334-341, 2019
Evaluation Framework for Automated Pavement Distress Identification and Quantification Applications
N Kargah-Ostadi, A Nazef, J Daleiden, Y Zhou
Transportation Research Record 2639 (1), 46-54, 2017
Long-Term Pavement Performance Bind Online User Guide
R Ahmad, JR Menendez, N Kargah-Ostadi
United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Infrastructure …, 2017
Backcalculation of Flexible Pavement Structural Properties Using a Restart Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy
N Kargah-Ostadi, SM Stoffels
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 29 (2), 04014035, 2015
Automated Real-Time Roadway Asset Inventory using Artificial Intelligence
N Kargah-Ostadi, A Waqar, A Hanif
Transportation Research Record 2674 (11), 220-234, 2020
Reconciling pavement condition data from connected vehicles with the international roughness index from standard monitoring equipment using physics-integrated machine learning
N Kargah-Ostadi, K Vasylevskyi, A Ablets, A Drach
Transportation Research Record 2678 (2), 416-429, 2024
Enhancing analytical toolboxes of pavement management systems via integration of computational intelligence
NK Ostadi
The Pennsylvania State University, 2013
Long-Term Pavement Performance: Preliminary Analysis of Constructed Warm-Mix Asphalt Overlay Projects
MT Rahman, TJ Burchett, N Kargah-Ostadi, JM Sassin
Transportation Research Board 95th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2016
Using Multi-Objective Optimization to Enhance Calibration of Performance Models in the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide
N Kargah-Ostadi, JR Menendez, Y Zhou
United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Research …, 2018
Physics-informed neural networks to advance pavement engineering and management
N Kargah-Ostadi, K Vasylevskyi, A Ablets, A Drach
Road Materials and Pavement Design, 1-22, 2024
Long-Term Pavement Performance Climate Tool User Guide
R Ahmad, JR Menendez, N Kargah-Ostadi
United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Infrastructure …, 2018
Pavement Management Systems: Inception to Implementation
D Luhr, N Kargah-Ostadi, X Jia
Centennial Papers, 2019
Performance Trends on Interstate Highway Sections of the Long-Term Pavement Performance Program
N Kargah-Ostadi, J Daleiden
Transportation Research Record 2523 (1), 94-101, 2015
Embedded sensor system for measurement and monitoring of the pore solution electrical resistivity in concrete materials and structures
F Rajabipour, A Drach, N Kargah-Ostadi, G Kaladharan, K Vasylevskyi, ...
US Patent App. 18/559,400, 2024
Automated Identification and Quantification of Flexible and Rigid Pavement Distresses
N Kargah-Ostadi, T Burchett, JF Daleiden, Y Zhou, F Roadware
Florida. Department of Transportation, 2019
Prediction of Laboratory-Derived Resilient Modulus from Field Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Tests for Unbound Pavement Aggregate Materials
X Tang, T Rahman, N Kargah-Ostadi
한국도로학회 학술대회 발표논문 초록집, 66-66, 2018
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Articles 1–20