Fariba Islam
Cited by
Cited by
A review on plasmonic and metamaterial based biosensing platforms for virus detection
MM Hassan, FS Sium, F Islam, SM Choudhury
Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research 33, 100429, 2021
Cavity-Enhanced Emission from a Silicon T Center
F Islam, CM Lee, S Harper, MH Rahaman, Y Zhao, NK Vij, E Waks
Nano Letters 24 (1), 319-325, 2023
Non-Invasive Bilirubin Level Quantification and Jaundice Detection by Sclera Image Processing
MMM Miah, RJ Tazim, FT Johora, MI Al Imran, SS Surma, F Islam, ...
2019 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), 1-7, 2019
High-efficiency single photon emission from a silicon T-center in a nanobeam
CM Lee, F Islam, S Harper, MA Buyukkaya, D Higginbottom, S Simmons, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.04541, 2023
Wearable Thermoelectric Nanogenerator Based on Carbon Nanotube for Energy Harvesting
F Islam, A Zubair, N Fairuz
2019 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD), 253-258, 2019
Analysis and design of InAs nanowire array based ultra broadband perfect absorber
MM Hassan, F Islam, MZ Baten, S Subrina
RSC Advances 11 (59), 37595-37603, 2021
Optimizing the quality factor of InP nanobeam cavities using atomic layer deposition
MH Rahaman, CM Lee, MA Buyukkaya, S Harper, F Islam, E Waks
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.05967, 2023
Plasmonic metamaterial based virus detection system: a review
MM Hassan, FS Sium, F Islam, SM Choudhury
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.00551, 2020
EEG Signal Based Cognitive System for Controlling Home Appliances and Generating Speech Command
MM Hassan, HU Sami, F Islam
2019 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 519-522, 2019
A Review on Plasmonic Nano-biosensors for Virus Detection with a Focus on Coronavirus
MM Hassan, FS Sium, F Islam, SM Choudhury
2D Thermal Imaging Sensor Using Thermoelectric Effect Based on Carbon Nanotube
N Fairuz, A Zubair, F Islam
2019 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Information …, 2019
Efficient Broadband Light Absorption in a Bioinspired Silicon Photonic Structure
T Hossain, AA Mamun, F Islam, MM Hassan
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2024
High-efficiency single photon emission from a silicon T-center in a nanobeam
F Islam, E Waks, C Lee, MA Buyukkaya, S Simmons, D Higginbottom, ...
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2024
A Review on Plasmonic Nano-biosensors for Virus Detection with a Focus on Coronavirus
M Muntasir Hassan, F Sadik Sium, F Islam, S Muhaimin Choudhury
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2012.00551, 2020
Textile Thermoelectric Generator Based on Carbon Nanotubes
F Islam, N Fairuz, A Zubair
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 65, 2020
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Articles 1–15