Petr Stepanov
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Cited by
Superconductors, orbital magnets, and correlated states in magic angle bilayer graphene
X Lu, P Stepanov, W Yang, M Xie, MA Aamir, I Das, C Urgell, K Watanabe, ...
Nature 574, 653–657, 2019
Untying the insulating and superconducting orders in magic-angle graphene
P Stepanov, I Das, X Lu, A Fahimniya, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, ...
Nature 583 (7816), 375-378, 2020
Observation of flat bands in twisted bilayer graphene
S Lisi, X Lu, T Benschop, TA de Jong, P Stepanov, JR Duran, F Margot, ...
Nature Physics 17 (2), 189-193, 2021
Raman spectroscopy, photocatalytic degradation, and stabilization of atomically thin chromium tri-iodide
D Shcherbakov, P Stepanov, D Weber, Y Wang, J Hu, Y Zhu, K Watanabe, ...
Nano letters 18 (7), 4214-4219, 2018
Competing zero-field chern insulators in superconducting twisted bilayer graphene
P Stepanov, M Xie, T Taniguchi, K Watanabe, X Lu, AH MacDonald, ...
Physical review letters 127 (19), 197701, 2021
Long-distance spin transport through a graphene quantum Hall antiferromagnet
P Stepanov, S Che, D Shcherbakov, J Yang, R Chen, K Thilahar, G Voigt, ...
Nature Physics 14 (9), 907-911, 2018
Ionic Liquid Gating of Suspended MoS2 Field Effect Transistor Devices
F Wang, P Stepanov, M Gray, CN Lau, ME Itkis, RC Haddon
Nano letters 15 (8), 5284-5288, 2015
Chern mosaic and Berry-curvature magnetism in magic-angle graphene
S Grover, M Bocarsly, A Uri, P Stepanov, G Di Battista, I Roy, J Xiao, ...
Nature physics 18 (8), 885-892, 2022
Observation of interband collective excitations in twisted bilayer graphene
NCH Hesp, I Torre, D Rodan-Legrain, P Novelli, Y Cao, S Carr, S Fang, ...
Nature Physics 17 (10), 1162-1168, 2021
Thermoelectric properties of BiSbTe/C nanocomposites
VD Blank, SG Buga, VA Kulbachinskii, VG Kytin, VV Medvedev, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (7), 075426, 2012
C60‐doping of nanostructured Bi–Sb–Te thermoelectrics
M Popov, S Buga, P Vysikaylo, P Stepanov, V Skok, V Medvedev, ...
physica status solidi (a) 208 (12), 2783-2789, 2011
Integer and fractional quantum hall effect in ultrahigh quality few-layer black phosphorus transistors
J Yang, S Tran, J Wu, S Che, P Stepanov, T Taniguchi, K Watanabe, ...
Nano Letters 18 (1), 229-234, 2018
Annealing and transport studies of suspended molybdenum disulfide devices
F Wang, P Stepanov, M Gray, CN Lau
Nanotechnology 26 (10), 105709, 2015
Composites of Bi2–xSbxTe3 nanocrystals and fullerene molecules for thermoelectricity
VA Kulbachinskii, VG Kytin, MY Popov, SG Buga, PB Stepanov, VD Blank
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 193, 64-70, 2012
Magic-angle bilayer graphene nanocalorimeters: toward broadband, energy-resolving single photon detection
P Seifert, X Lu, P Stepanov, JR Durán Retamal, JN Moore, KC Fong, ...
Nano Letters 20 (5), 3459-3464, 2020
Measuring local moiré lattice heterogeneity of twisted bilayer graphene
T Benschop, TA de Jong, P Stepanov, X Lu, V Stalman, SJ van der Molen, ...
Physical Review Research 3 (1), 013153, 2021
Tunable symmetries of integer and fractional quantum Hall phases in heterostructures with multiple Dirac bands
P Stepanov, Y Barlas, T Espiritu, S Che, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, ...
Physical review letters 117 (7), 076807, 2016
Energy gaps and layer polarization of integer and fractional quantum Hall states in bilayer graphene
Y Shi, Y Lee, S Che, Z Pi, T Espiritu, P Stepanov, D Smirnov, CN Lau, ...
Physical review letters 116 (5), 056601, 2016
Layer-and gate-tunable spin-orbit coupling in a high-mobility few-layer semiconductor
D Shcherbakov, P Stepanov, S Memaran, Y Wang, Y Xin, J Yang, K Wei, ...
Science Advances 7 (5), eabe2892, 2021
Quantum parity Hall effect in Bernal-stacked trilayer graphene
P Stepanov, Y Barlas, S Che, K Myhro, G Voigt, Z Pi, K Watanabe, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (21), 10286-10290, 2019
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Articles 1–20