Matjaž Jogan
Matjaž Jogan
University of Pennsylvania, University of Ljubljana
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Incremental PCA for on-line visual learning and recognition
M Artac, M Jogan, A Leonardis
Pattern Recognition, 2002. Proceedings. 16th International Conference on 3 …, 2002
Mobile robot localization using an incremental eigenspace model
M Artac, M Jogan, A Leonardis
Robotics and Automation, 2002. Proceedings. ICRA'02. IEEE International …, 2002
Robust localization using panoramic view-based recognition
M Jogan, A Leonardis
Pattern Recognition, 2000. Proceedings. 15th International Conference on 4 …, 2000
Robust localization using the eigenspace of spinning-images
M Jogan, A Leonardis
IEEE Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina …, 2000
A new two-alternative forced choice method for the unbiased characterization of perceptual bias and discriminability
M Jogan, AA Stocker
Journal of Vision 14 (3), 20, 2014
Robust localization using an omnidirectional appearance-based subspace model of environment
M Jogan, A Leonardis
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 45 (1), 51-72, 2003
Signal integration in human visual speed perception
M Jogan, AA Stocker
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (25), 9381-9390, 2015
Panoramic eigenimages for spatial localisation
M Jogan, A Leonardis
8th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns …, 1999
Mobile Robot Localization under Varying Illumination
M Jogan, A Leonardis, H Wildenauer, H Bischof
Intl. Conference on Pattern Recognition ICPR02, Quebec, Canada., 741-744, 2002
A system for continuous learning of visual concepts
D Skocaj, G Berginc, B Ridge, A Stimec, M Jogan, O Vanek, A Leonardis, ...
International Conference on Computer Vision Systems: Proceedings, 2007
Karhunen-Loéve expansion of a set of rotated templates
M Jogan, E Zagar, A Leonardis
Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on 12 (7), 817-825, 2003
Unsupervised learning of a hierarchy of topological maps using omnidirectional images
A Štimec, M Jogan, A Leonardis
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 22 …, 2008
Parametric eigenspace representations of panoramic images
M Jogan, A Leonardis
International Conference on Advanced Robotics, 31-36, 2001
A framework for robust and incremental self-localization of a mobile robot
M Jogan, M Artač, D Skočaj, A Leonardis
Computer Vision Systems, 460-469, 2003
Panoramic volumes for robot localization
M Artac, M Jogan, A Leonardis, H Bakstein
Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2005.(IROS 2005). 2005 IEEE/RSJ …, 2005
Optimal integration of visual speed across different spatiotemporal frequency channels
M Jogan, AA Stocker
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 26, 3201--3209, 2013
Uporabniška programska oprema
M Artač, B Batagelj, M Jogan, Ž Kranjec, B Kverh, K Mele, P Peer, ...
Založba FE in FRI, 2004
Uporabniška programska oprema
M Jogan, B Kverh, A Leonardis, I Lesjak, P Peer, F Solina
Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko, 2001
A new 2afc method for the comparison of stimuli that differ along multiple stimulus dimensions
M Jogan, A Stocker
Journal of Vision 12 (9), 619-619, 2012
A hierarchy of cognitive maps from panoramic images
A Stimec, M Jogan, A Leonardis
10th Computer Vision Winter Workshop, Zell an der Pram, Austria, 2005
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Articles 1–20