feike Leij
feike Leij
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Rosetta: A computer program for estimating soil hydraulic parameters with hierarchical pedotransfer functions
MG Schaap, FJ Leij, MT Van Genuchten
Journal of hydrology 251 (3-4), 163-176, 2001
The RETC code for quantifying the hydraulic functions of unsaturated soils
MT Van Genuchten, FJ Leij, SR Yates
Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory, 1991
The CXTFIT code for estimating transport parameters from laboratory or filed tracer experiments
N Toride, FJ Leij, MT Van Genuchten
US Salinity Laboratory, 1995
Neural network analysis for hierarchical prediction of soil hydraulic properties
MG Schaap, FJ Leij, MT Van Genuchten
Soil Science Society of America Journal 62 (4), 847-855, 1998
Database-related accuracy and uncertainty of pedotransfer functions
MG Schaap, FJ Leij
Soil Science 163 (10), 765-779, 1998
Improved prediction of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity with the Mualem‐van Genuchten model
MG Schaap, FJ Leij
Soil Science Society of America Journal 64 (3), 843-851, 2000
Description of the unsaturated soil hydraulic database UNSODA version 2.0
A Nemes, MG Schaap, FJ Leij, JHM Wösten
Journal of hydrology 251 (3-4), 151-162, 2001
Scaling parameter to predict the soil water characteristic from particle‐size distribution data
LM Arya, FJ Leij, MT van Genuchten, PJ Shouse
Soil Science Society of America Journal 63 (3), 510-519, 1999
Using neural networks to predict soil water retention and soil hydraulic conductivity
MG Schaap, FJ Leij
Soil and Tillage Research 47 (1-2), 37-42, 1998
Modeling the nonequilibrium transport of linearly interacting solutes in porous media: A review
M Sardin, D Schweich, FJ Leij, MT Van Genuchten
Water Resources Research 27 (9), 2287-2307, 1991
Indirect methods for estimating the hydraulic properties of unsaturated soils
MT Van Genuchten, FJ Leij, LJ Lund
University of California, Riverside, 1992
A comprehensive set of analytical solutions for nonequilibrium solute transport with first‐order decay and zero‐order production
N Toride, FJ Leij, MT van Genuchten
Water Resources Research 29 (7), 2167-2182, 1993
Relationship between the hydraulic conductivity function and the particle‐size distribution
LM Arya, FJ Leij, PJ Shouse, MT van Genuchten
Soil Science Society of America Journal 63 (5), 1063-1070, 1999
Analytical solutions for solute transport in three‐dimensional semi‐infinite porous media
FJ Leij, TH Skaggs, MT Van Genuchten
Water resources research 27 (10), 2719-2733, 1991
The STANMOD computer software for evaluating solute transport in porous media using analytical solutions of convection-dispersion equation. Versions 1.0 and 2.0
J Simunek, MT Van Genuchten, M Sejna, N Toride, FJ Leij
International Ground Water Modeling Center, 1999
Closed‐form expressions for water retention and conductivity data
FJ Leij, WB Russell, SM Lesch
Groundwater 35 (5), 848-858, 1997
Analysis of measured, predicted, and estimated hydraulic conductivity using the RETC computer program
SR Yates, MT Van Genuchten, AW Warrick, FJ Leij
Soil Science Society of America Journal 56 (2), 347-354, 1992
Hydrodynamic dispersion in an unsaturated dune sand
N Toride, M Inoue, FJ Leij
Soil Science Society of America Journal 67 (3), 703-712, 2003
Estimating interfacial areas for multi-fluid soil systems
SA Bradford, FJ Leij
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 27 (1-2), 83-105, 1997
UNSODA unsaturated soil hydraulic database
FJ Leij
National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Office of Research and …, 1996
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