Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, Chennai
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Prospective impact of Corona virus disease (COVID-19) related lockdown on shrimp aquaculture sector in India – a sectoral assessment
KKV 5. M. Kumaran, R. Geetha, Jose Antony, K.P. Kumaraguru Vasagam, P.R ...
Aquaculture, 2021
Farmers’ satisfaction of agricultural extension services in an irrigation command area
M Kumaran, K Vijayaragavan
Indian Journal of Extension Education 41 (3&4), 8-12, 2005
Is Pacific white shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) farming in India is technically efficient? — A comprehensive study
Kumaran.M , PR. Anand, J. Ashok Kumar , T. Ravisankar , Johnson Paul , K. P ...
Aquaculture 468, 262-270, 2017
Extension approach for an effective fisheries and aquaculture extension service in India
MASR M.Kumaran, D.Deboral Vimala, Chandrasekaran.V.S
Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 18 (3), 247-267, 2012
Efficacy of emamectin benzoate in controlling natural infestations of ectoparasites in economically important fish species of India
RA Raja, PK Patil, S Avunje, M Kumaran, HG Solanki, KP Jithendran, ...
Aquaculture 551, 737940, 2022
Climate change and shrimp farming in Andhra Pradesh, India: socio-economics and vulnerability
U Nagothu, M Muralidhar, M Kumaran, B Muniyandi, N Umesh, K Prasad, ...
Energy and Environment Research 2 (2), 137-137, 2012
Application of Expert Systems in Fisheries Sector – A Review
MAM Kumaran.
Res. J. Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sci., 1 (8), 19-30., 2013
Shrimp farming practices and its socio-economic consequences in East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh, India-A case study
M Kumaran, P Ravichandran, BP Gupta, A Nagavel
Aquaculture Asia 8 (3), 48-52, 2003
Socio-economic profile of shrimp farmers and its influence on the extent of adoption of shrimp culture technologies
PS Swathi Lekshmi, K Chandrakandan, M Kumaran, N Balasubramani
Fishery Technology 42 (2), 225-230, 2005
Case study on the impacts of climate change on shrimp farming and developing adaptation measures for small-scale shrimp farmers in Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh, India …
M Muralidhar, M Kumaran, M Jayanthi, B Muniyandi, AG Ponniah, ...
The report is also available online, 2012
Knowledge level of shrimp farmers on better management practices (BMPs) of Penaeus vannamei farming: a comparative assessment of east and west coasts of India
M Kumaran, T Ravisankar, PR Anand, DD Vimala, CP Balasubramanian
Indian Journal of Fisheries 64 (3), 93-99, 2017
Entrepreneurship motivation of fisheries graduates: An exploratory study
M Kumaran, PR Anand
Journal of Extension Education 28 (1), 2016
Diffusion and adoption of shrimp farming technologies
M Kumaran, K Ponnusamy, N Kalaimani
Aquaculture Asia 8 (2), 20-25, 2003
Is Pacific white shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) farming in India sustainable? A multidimensional indicators-based assessment,
KK 4. Kumaran, M., Sundaram, M., Mathew, S., Anand, P. R., Ghoshal, T. K ...
Environment, Development and Sustainability 23, 6466–6480, 2021
Aquaculture-based production systems for the livelihood security of coastal farm families in the risk-prone agro-ecosystem of India: an appraisal
APKKV 6. M. Kumaran, T. K. Ghoshal, Debasis De, Gouranga Biswas, R.Ananda ...
Aquaculture International, 28:805–814. 28, 805-814, 2019
Information seeking behaviour of shrimp farmers and their perception towards technology dissemination through mobile phones
PR Anand, M Kumaran
Journal of Extension education 29 (1), 2017
Lessons from innovative institutions in the marketing of fish and fishery products in India
G Kumar, T Ravisankar, R Suresh, B Ramachandra, DD Vimla, ...
Agricultural Economics Research Review 23, 495-504, 2010
Perception of climate change impacts and adaptation of shrimp farming in India: Farmer focus group discussion and stakeholder workshop Report
M Muralidhar, M Kumaran, B Muniyandi, NW Abery, NR Umesh, ...
Network of Aquaculture Centers in Asia-Pacific, 75, 2010
Utilization of Information Sources by shrimp farmers
PKMK Kumaran.M
Ind. J. of Extn. Edn, 40 (1&2), 63-66, 2004
Natural infestation of an anchor worm, Lernaea sp. in cage culture of Asian Seabass, Lates calcarifer juveniles and its control using an anti-parasitic drug …
RA Raja, PK Patil, S Avunje, M Kumaran, A Periyakaruppan, ...
Journal of Parasitic Diseases 47 (2), 306-318, 2023
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