James Kirby
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Cited by
A fully nonlinear Boussinesq model for surface waves. Part 1. Highly nonlinear unsteady waves
G Wei, JT Kirby, ST Grilli, R Subramanya
Journal of fluid mechanics 294, 71-92, 1995
Boussinesq modeling of wave transformation, breaking, and runup. I: 1D
AB Kennedy, Q Chen, JT Kirby, RA Dalrymple
Journal of waterway, port, coastal, and ocean engineering 126 (1), 39-47, 2000
Time-dependent numerical code for extended Boussinesq equations
G Wei, JT Kirby
Journal of waterway, port, coastal, and ocean engineering 121 (5), 251-261, 1995
Wave diffraction due to areas of energy dissipation
RA Dalrymple, JT Kirby, PA Hwang
Journal of waterway, port, coastal, and ocean engineering 110 (1), 67-79, 1984
A high-order adaptive time-stepping TVD solver for Boussinesq modeling of breaking waves and coastal inundation
F Shi, JT Kirby, JC Harris, JD Geiman, ST Grilli
Ocean Modelling 43, 36-51, 2012
Observation of undertow and turbulence in a laboratory surf zone
FCK Ting, JT Kirby
Coastal Engineering 24 (1-2), 51-80, 1994
Shock-capturing non-hydrostatic model for fully dispersive surface wave processes
G Ma, F Shi, JT Kirby
Ocean Modelling 43, 22-35, 2012
Generation of waves in Boussinesq models using a source function method
G Wei, JT Kirby, A Sinha
Coastal Engineering 36 (4), 271-299, 1999
Boussinesq modeling of wave transformation, breaking, and runup. II: 2D
Q Chen, JT Kirby, RA Dalrymple, AB Kennedy, A Chawla
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 126 (1), 48-56, 2000
A fully nonlinear Boussinesq model for surface waves. Part 2. Extension to O (kh) 4
MF Gobbi, JT Kirby, GE Wei
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 405, 181-210, 2000
Landslide tsunami case studies using a Boussinesq model and a fully nonlinear tsunami generation model
P Watts, ST Grilli, JT Kirby, GJ Fryer, DR Tappin
Natural hazards and earth system sciences 3 (5), 391-402, 2003
A general wave equation for waves over rippled beds
JT Kirby
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 162, 171-186, 1986
Dynamics of surf-zone turbulence in a spilling breaker
FCK Ting, JT Kirby
Coastal Engineering 27 (3-4), 131-160, 1996
FUNWAVE 1.0: fully nonlinear Boussinesq wave model-Documentation and user's manual
JT Kirby, G Wei, Q Chen, AB Kennedy, RA Dalrymple
University of Delaware, 1998
Dynamics of surf-zone turbulence in a strong plunging breaker
FCK Ting, JT Kirby
Coastal Engineering 24 (3-4), 177-204, 1995
A parabolic equation for the combined refraction–diffraction of Stokes waves by mildly varying topography
JT Kirby, RA Dalrymple
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 136, 453-466, 1983
Did a submarine landslide contribute to the 2011 Tohoku tsunami?
DR Tappin, ST Grilli, JC Harris, RJ Geller, T Masterlark, JT Kirby, F Shi, ...
Marine Geology 357, 344-361, 2014
Source constraints and model simulation of the December 26, 2004, Indian Ocean tsunami
ST Grilli, M Ioualalen, J Asavanant, F Shi, JT Kirby, P Watts
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 133 (6), 414-428, 2007
Boussinesq modeling of a rip current system
Q Chen, RA Dalrymple, JT Kirby, AB Kennedy, MC Haller
Journal of geophysical research: oceans 104 (C9), 20617-20637, 1999
Modelling of the tsunami from the December 22, 2018 lateral collapse of Anak Krakatau volcano in the Sunda Straits, Indonesia
ST Grilli, DR Tappin, S Carey, SFL Watt, SN Ward, AR Grilli, SL Engwell, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 11946, 2019
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Articles 1–20