Tapani Ristaniemi
Tapani Ristaniemi
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Multiobjective optimization for computation offloading in fog computing
L Liu, Z Chang, X Guo, S Mao, T Ristaniemi
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (1), 283-294, 2017
Tensor decomposition of EEG signals: a brief review
F Cong, QH Lin, LD Kuang, XF Gong, P Astikainen, T Ristaniemi
Journal of neuroscience methods 248, 59-69, 2015
Learn to cache: Machine learning for network edge caching in the big data era
Z Chang, L Lei, Z Zhou, S Mao, T Ristaniemi
IEEE Wireless Communications 25 (3), 28-35, 2018
Distributed road surface condition monitoring using mobile phones
M Perttunen, O Mazhelis, F Cong, M Kauppila, T Leppänen, J Kantola, ...
Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing: 8th International Conference, UIC …, 2011
Dynamic packet scheduling performance in UTRA long term evolution downlink
P Kela, J Puttonen, N Kolehmainen, T Ristaniemi, T Henttonen, M Moisio
2008 3rd International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing, 308-313, 2008
Energy efficient optimization for computation offloading in fog computing system
Z Chang, Z Zhou, T Ristaniemi, Z Niu
GLOBECOM 2017-2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 1-6, 2017
Joint spectral and energy efficiency optimization for downlink NOMA networks
WU Khan, F Jameel, T Ristaniemi, S Khan, GAS Sidhu, J Liu
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking 6 (2), 645-656, 2019
Advanced ICA-based receivers for block fading DS-CDMA channels
T Ristaniemi, J Joutsensalo
Signal Processing 82 (3), 417-431, 2002
From Vivaldi to Beatles and back: predicting lateralized brain responses to music
V Alluri, P Toiviainen, TE Lund, M Wallentin, P Vuust, AK Nandi, ...
Neuroimage 83, 627-636, 2013
Channel quality indication reporting schemes for UTRAN long term evolution downlink
N Kolehmainen, J Puttonen, P Kela, T Ristaniemi, T Henttonen, M Moisio
VTC Spring 2008-IEEE vehicular technology conference, 2522-2526, 2008
Energy-efficient resource allocation for wireless powered massive MIMO system with imperfect CSI
Z Chang, Z Wang, X Guo, Z Han, T Ristaniemi
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking 1 (2), 121-130, 2017
On the performance of blind source separation in CDMA downlink.
T Ristaniemi
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Independent Component Analysis …, 1999
Multi-domain feature extraction for small event-related potentials through nonnegative multi-way array decomposition from low dense array EEG
F Cong, AH Phan, P Astikainen, Q Zhao, Q Wu, JK Hietanen, T Ristaniemi, ...
International journal of neural systems 23 (02), 1350006, 2013
Retro-dimension-cue benefit in visual working memory
C Ye, Z Hu, T Ristaniemi, M Gendron, Q Liu
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 35573, 2016
Internet of autonomous vehicles: architecture, features, and socio-technological challenges
F Jameel, Z Chang, J Huang, T Ristaniemi
IEEE Wireless Communications 26 (4), 21-29, 2019
Linking brain responses to naturalistic music through analysis of ongoing EEG and stimulus features
F Cong, V Alluri, AK Nandi, P Toiviainen, R Fa, B Abu-Jamous, L Gong, ...
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 15 (5), 1060-1069, 2013
Applications of backscatter communications for healthcare networks
F Jameel, R Duan, Z Chang, A Liljemark, T Ristaniemi, R Jantti
IEEE Network 33 (6), 50-57, 2019
Multi-objective optimization for computation offloading in mobile-edge computing
L Liu, Z Chang, X Guo, T Ristaniemi
2017 IEEE symposium on computers and communications (ISCC), 832-837, 2017
Benefits of multi-domain feature of mismatch negativity extracted by non-negative tensor factorization from EEG collected by low-density array
F Cong, AH Phan, Q Zhao, T Huttunen-Scott, J Kaartinen, T Ristaniemi, ...
International journal of neural systems 22 (06), 1250025, 2012
Action in perception: prominent visuo-motor functional symmetry in musicians during music listening
I Burunat, E Brattico, T Puoliväli, T Ristaniemi, M Sams, P Toiviainen
PloS one 10 (9), e0138238, 2015
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