Renwen Yu
Renwen Yu
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Tunable plasmons in ultrathin metal films
RA Maniyara, D Rodrigo, R Yu, J Canet-Ferrer, DS Ghosh, ...
Nature Photonics 13 (5), 328-333, 2019
Efficient electrical detection of mid-infrared graphene plasmons at room temperature
Q Guo, R Yu, C Li, S Yuan, B Deng, FJ García de Abajo, F Xia
Nature materials 17 (11), 986-992, 2018
Universal analytical modeling of plasmonic nanoparticles
R Yu, LM Liz-Marzán, FJG de Abajo
Chemical Society Reviews 46 (22), 6710-6724, 2017
Tracking ultrafast hot-electron diffusion in space and time by ultrafast thermomodulation microscopy
A Block, M Liebel, R Yu, M Spector, Y Sivan, FJ García de Abajo, ...
Science advances 5 (5), eaav8965, 2019
Ultrafast radiative heat transfer
R Yu, A Manjavacas, FJ García de Abajo
Nature communications 8 (1), 2, 2017
Doping-driven topological polaritons in graphene/α-MoO3 heterostructures
H Hu, N Chen, H Teng, R Yu, Y Qu, J Sun, M Xue, D Hu, B Wu, C Li, ...
Nature Nanotechnology 17 (9), 940-946, 2022
Resonant visible light modulation with graphene
R Yu, V Pruneri, FJ García de Abajo
ACS Photonics 2 (4), 550-558, 2015
Structural coloring of glass using dewetted nanoparticles and ultrathin films of metals
R Yu, P Mazumder, NF Borrelli, A Carrilero, DS Ghosh, RA Maniyara, ...
Acs Photonics 3 (7), 1194-1201, 2016
Gate-tunable negative refraction of mid-infrared polaritons
H Hu, N Chen, H Teng, R Yu, M Xue, K Chen, Y Xiao, Y Qu, D Hu, J Chen, ...
Science 379 (6632), 558-561, 2023
Nonlinear plasmonic sensing with nanographene
R Yu, JD Cox, FJG De Abajo
Physical Review Letters 117 (12), 123904, 2016
Analytical modeling of graphene plasmons
R Yu, JD Cox, JRM Saavedra, FJ García de Abajo
ACS Photonics 4 (12), 3106-3114, 2017
Room temperature graphene mid-infrared bolometer with a broad operational wavelength range
S Yuan, R Yu, C Ma, B Deng, Q Guo, X Chen, C Li, C Chen, K Watanabe, ...
Acs Photonics 7 (5), 1206-1215, 2020
Manipulating the interaction between localized and delocalized surface plasmon-polaritons in graphene
R Yu, R Alaee, F Lederer, C Rockstuhl
Physical Review B 90 (8), 085409, 2014
Continuous-wave multiphoton photoemission from plasmonic nanostars
M Sivis, N Pazos-Perez, R Yu, R Alvarez-Puebla, FJ García de Abajo, ...
Communications Physics 1 (1), 13, 2018
Tunable Planar Focusing Based on Hyperbolic Phonon Polaritons in α‐MoO3
Y Qu, N Chen, H Teng, H Hu, J Sun, R Yu, D Hu, M Xue, C Li, B Wu, ...
Advanced Materials 34 (23), 2105590, 2022
Active modulation of visible light with graphene-loaded ultrathin metal plasmonic antennas
R Yu, V Pruneri, FJ García de Abajo
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 32144, 2016
Thermal manipulation of plasmons in atomically thin films
EJC Dias, R Yu, FJ Garcia de Abajo
Light: Science & Applications 9 (1), 87, 2020
Active control of micrometer plasmon propagation in suspended graphene
H Hu, R Yu, H Teng, D Hu, N Chen, Y Qu, X Yang, X Chen, AS McLeod, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 1465, 2022
Plasmonic nano-oven by concatenation of multishell photothermal enhancement
L Meng, R Yu, M Qiu, FJ García de Abajo
ACS nano 11 (8), 7915-7924, 2017
Hybrid plasmonic nanoresonators as efficient solar heat shields
A Sousa-Castillo, Ó Ameneiro-Prieto, M Comesaña-Hermo, R Yu, ...
Nano Energy 37, 118-125, 2017
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Articles 1–20