Qi Liao
Qi Liao
Senior Research Scientist, Nokia Bell Labs
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A survey of anticipatory mobile networking: Context-based classification, prediction methodologies, and optimization techniques
N Bui, M Cesana, SA Hosseini, Q Liao, I Malanchini, J Widmer
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 19 (3), 1790-1821, 2017
Resource Optimization with Flexible Numerology and Frame Structure for Heterogeneous Services
L You, Q Liao, N Pappas, D Yuan
IEEE Communications Letters, 2018
Resource scheduling for mixed traffic types with scalable TTI in dynamic TDD systems
Q Liao, P Baracca, D Lopez-Perez, LG Giordano
2017 IEEE GLOBECOM, 2017
Toward cell outage detection with composite hypothesis testing
Q Liao, M Wiczanowski, S Stańczak
2012 IEEE international conference on communications (ICC), 4883-4887, 2012
Transfer Learning for Channel Quality Prediction
C Parera, A Redondi, M Cesana, Q Liao, I Malanchini
IEEE International Symposium on Measurements & Networking (M&N), 2019
Transfer learning for tilt-dependent radio map prediction
C Parera, Q Liao, I Malanchini, C Tatino, AEC Redondi, M Cesana
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking 6 (2), 829-843, 2020
Dynamic Uplink/Downlink Resource Management in Flexible Duplex-Enabled Wireless Networks
Q Liao
2017 IEEE ICC, 3rd International Workshop on 5G RAN Design, 2017
Method and system for controlling an operation of an application by classifying an application type using data bearer characteristics
E Grinshpun, Q Liao, D Faucher, Z Sayeed, S Sharma
US Patent US 20,160,226,703, 2016
Network State Awareness and Proactive Anomaly Detection in Self-Organizing Networks
Q Liao, S Stanczak
IEEE GC 2015 Workshop on Emerging Technologies for 5G Wireless Cellular …, 2015
Connections between spectral properties of asymptotic mappings and solutions to wireless network problems
RLG Cavalcante, Q Liao, S Stańczak
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 67 (10), 2747 - 2760, 2019
An examination of the benefits of scalable TTI for heterogeneous traffic management in 5G networks
E Fountoulakis, N Pappas, Q Liao, V Suryaprakash, D Yuan
2017 15th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad …, 2017
Task-oriented communication design in cyber-physical systems: A survey on theory and applications
A Mostaani, TX Vu, SK Sharma, VD Nguyen, Q Liao, S Chatzinotas
IEEE Access 10, 133842-133868, 2022
Channel Gain Prediction in Wireless Networks Based on Spatial-Temporal Correlation
Q Liao, S Valentin, S Stanczak
The 16th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in …, 2015
A distributed interference-aware load balancing algorithm for LTE multi-cell networks
A Giovanidis, Q Liao, S Stańczak
Smart Antennas (WSA), 2012 International ITG Workshop on, 28-35, 2012
An End-to-End Performance Analysis for Service Chaining in a Virtualized Network
E Fountoulakis, Q Liao, N Pappas
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2020
Task-oriented communication system design in cyber-physical systems: A survey on theory and applications
A Mostaani, TX Vu, SK Sharma, Q Liao, S Chatzinotas
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.07166, 2021
Dynamic power control for packets with deadlines
E Fountoulakis, N Pappas, Q Liao, A Ephremides, V Angelakis
2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2018
Street-specific handover optimization for vehicular terminals in future cellular networks
Z Ren, P Fertl, Q Liao, F Penna, S Stanczak
2013 IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 1-5, 2013
Transfer Learning for Multi-Step Resource Utilization Prediction
C Parera, Q Liao, I Malanchini, D Wellington, AEC Redondi, M Cesana
2020 IEEE 31st Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile …, 2020
Anticipatory Networking in Future Generation Mobile Networks: a Survey
N Bui, M Cesana, A Hosseini, Q Liao, I Malanchini, J Widmer, 2016
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