Dominic Lennon
Dominic Lennon
Co-founder and Head of Quantum Technologies, QuantrolOx
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Cited by
Cited by
Machine learning enables completely automatic tuning of a quantum device faster than human experts
H Moon, DT Lennon, J Kirkpatrick, NM van Esbroeck, LC Camenzind, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 4161, 2020
Efficiently measuring a quantum device using machine learning
DT Lennon, H Moon, LC Camenzind, L Yu, DM Zumbühl, GAD Briggs, ...
npj Quantum Information 5 (1), 79, 2019
Quantum device fine-tuning using unsupervised embedding learning
NM van Esbroeck, DT Lennon, H Moon, V Nguyen, F Vigneau, ...
New Journal of Physics 22 (9), 095003, 2020
Deep reinforcement learning for efficient measurement of quantum devices
V Nguyen, SB Orbell, DT Lennon, H Moon, F Vigneau, LC Camenzind, ...
npj Quantum Information 7 (1), 100, 2021
Bridging the reality gap in quantum devices with physics-aware machine learning
DL Craig, H Moon, F Fedele, DT Lennon, B van Straaten, F Vigneau, ...
Physical Review X 14 (1), 011001, 2024
Cross-architecture tuning of silicon and SiGe-based quantum devices using machine learning
B Severin, DT Lennon, LC Camenzind, F Vigneau, F Fedele, D Jirovec, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.12975, 2021
Efficiently measuring a quantum device using machine learning, npj Quantum Inf
DT Lennon, H Moon, LC Camenzind, L Yu, DM Zumbühl, GAD Briggs, ...
Identifying Pauli spin blockade using deep learning
J Schuff, DT Lennon, S Geyer, DL Craig, F Fedele, F Vigneau, ...
Quantum 7, 1077, 2023
Efficient quantum device tuning using machine learning
DT Lennon
University of Oxford, 2021
Superconducting quantum processor tune-up automation
D Lennon
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2024
Identifying Pauli spin blockade using deep learning
N Ares, J Schuff, D Lennon, S Geyer, D Craig, F Fedele, F Vigneau, ...
Identifying Pauli spin blockade using deep learning with scarce experimental data
J Schuff, D Lennon, S Geyer, D Craig, L Camenzind, F Fedele, F Vigneau, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2022, Q43. 010, 2022
Benchmarking single-electron transistor charge sensitivity using machine learning
J Chittock-Wood, D Lennon, B Govoreanu, S Kubicek, S Patomaki, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2022, W39. 008, 2022
Machine Learning for tuning, controlling, and optimizing semiconductor spin qubits
L Camenzind, D Lennon, V Nguyen, B Severin, N van Esbroeck, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2022, Q43. 001, 2022
Deep Learning-Based Prediction and Optimal Sequential Measurement of a Quantum Dot
D Lennon, H Moon, M Osborne, L Camenzind, L Yu, D Zumbuhl, G Briggs, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2019, G70. 382, 2019
Controlling Quantum Device Measurement using Deep Rein-forcement Learning
V Nguyen, DT Lennon, H Moon, NM van Esbroeck, D Sejdinovic, ...
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Articles 1–16