Olivier Lebeltel
Olivier Lebeltel
Engineer CNRS / Grenoble university & Verimag Lab
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SpaceEx: Scalable verification of hybrid systems
G Frehse, C Le Guernic, A Donzé, S Cotton, R Ray, O Lebeltel, R Ripado, ...
Computer Aided Verification: 23rd International Conference, CAV 2011 …, 2011
Bayesian robot programming
O Lebeltel, P Bessiere, J Diard, E Mazer
Autonomous Robots 16 (1), 49-79, 2004
Teaching bayesian behaviours to video game characters
R Le Hy, A Arrigoni, P Bessiere, O Lebeltel
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 47 (2-3), 177-185, 2004
Programmation bayésienne des robots
O Lebeltel
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble-INPG, 1999
AMT 2.0: qualitative and quantitative trace analysis with extended signal temporal logic
D Ničković, O Lebeltel, O Maler, T Ferrère, D Ulus
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 22, 741-758, 2020
Interprétation versus Description (I): Proposition pour une théorie probabiliste des systèmes cognitifs sensori-moteurs
P Bessiere, E Dedieu, O Lebeltel, E Mazer, K Mekhnacha
Intellectica-La revue de l’Association pour la Recherche sur les sciences de …, 1999
Interprétation ou Description (II): Fondements mathématiques de l'approche F+ D
P Bessiere, E Dedieu, O Lebeltel, E Mazer, K Mekhnacha
Intellectica-La revue de l’Association pour la Recherche sur les sciences de …, 1998
Basic concepts of Bayesian programming
P Bessière, O Lebeltel
Probabilistic reasoning and decision making in sensory-motor systems, 19-48, 2008
Bayesian programming and hierarchical learning in robotics
J Diard, O Lebeltel
SAB2000 Proceedings Supplement Book, 10pages, 2000
Bayesian learning experiments with a khepera robot
J Diard, O Lebeltel
IKW99, 10pages, 1999
A bayesian framework for robotic programming
O Lebeltel, J Diard, P Bessiere, E Mazer
AIP Conference Proceedings 568 (1), 625-637, 2001
Testing a Formally Verified Compiler
D Monniaux, L Gourdin, S Boulmé, O Lebeltel
International Conference on Tests and Proofs, 40-48, 2023
The SpaceEx modeling language
S Cotton, G Frehse, O Lebeltel
SpaceEx tool, 2010
Parking a car using Bayesian programming
PP Su-Jin, O Lebeltel, C Laugier
7th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision …, 2002
Méthode des développements asymptotiques pour un problème de plaque thermoélastique
C Lebeltel
INRIA, 1989
Wings were not designed to let animals fly
E Dedieu, O Lebeltel, P Bessiere
European Conference on Artificial Evolution, 235-250, 1997
Exploring the dynamics of mass action systems
O Maler, AM Halász, O Lebeltel, O Maler
arXiv preprint arXiv:1309.0871, 2013
Safety Analysis of Hybrid Systems with SpaceEx
G Frehse, A Donzé, S Cotton, R Ray, O Lebeltel, M Goyal, R Ripado, ...
Computational Modeling and Analysis for Complex Systems (CMACS) Seminar. CMACS, 2011
Bayesian robots programming
P Bessiere, O Lebeltel, O Lebeltel, J Diard, J Diard, E Mazer, E Mazer
Research Report 1, Les Cahiers du Laboratoire Leibniz, Grenoble (FR, 2000 …, 2000
Bayesian Robot Programming
O Lebeltel, P Bessière, J Diard, E Mazer
CNRS, 2000
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