Jon M Jenkins
Jon M Jenkins
NASA Ames Reseach Center
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Kepler planet-detection mission: introduction and first results
WJ Borucki, D Koch, G Basri, N Batalha, T Brown, D Caldwell, J Caldwell, ...
Science 327 (5968), 977-980, 2010
The PLATO 2.0 mission
H Rauer, C Catala, C Aerts, T Appourchaux, W Benz, A Brandeker, ...
Experimental Astronomy 38, 249-330, 2014
The false positive rate of Kepler and the occurrence of planets
F Fressin, G Torres, D Charbonneau, ST Bryson, J Christiansen, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 766 (2), 81, 2013
Planet occurrence within 0.25 AU of solar-type stars from Kepler
AW Howard, GW Marcy, ST Bryson, JM Jenkins, JF Rowe, NM Batalha, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 201 (2), 15, 2012
Characteristics of planetary candidates observed by Kepler. II. Analysis of the first four months of data
WJ Borucki, DG Koch, G Basri, N Batalha, TM Brown, ST Bryson, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 736 (1), 19, 2011
Planetary candidates observed by Kepler. III. Analysis of the first 16 months of data
NM Batalha, JF Rowe, ST Bryson, T Barclay, CJ Burke, DA Caldwell, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 204 (2), 24, 2013
Kepler mission design, realized photometric performance, and early science
DG Koch, WJ Borucki, G Basri, NM Batalha, TM Brown, D Caldwell, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 713 (2), L79, 2010
Kepler presearch data conditioning II-a Bayesian approach to systematic error correction
JC Smith, MC Stumpe, JE Van Cleve, JM Jenkins, TS Barclay, MN Fanelli, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 124 (919), 1000, 2012
Transiting exoplanet survey satellite
GR Ricker, JN Winn, R Vanderspek, DW Latham, GÁ Bakos, JL Bean, ...
Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 1 (1), 014003 …, 2015
Kepler presearch data conditioning I—Architecture and algorithms for error correction in Kepler light curves
MC Stumpe, JC Smith, JE Van Cleve, JD Twicken, TS Barclay, MN Fanelli, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 124 (919), 985, 2012
Architecture and dynamics of Kepler's candidate multiple transiting planet systems
JJ Lissauer, D Ragozzine, DC Fabrycky, JH Steffen, EB Ford, JM Jenkins, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 197 (1), 8, 2011
Kepler-16: a transiting circumbinary planet
LR Doyle, JA Carter, DC Fabrycky, RW Slawson, SB Howell, JN Winn, ...
Science 333 (6049), 1602-1606, 2011
Architecture of Kepler's multi-transiting systems. II. New investigations with twice as many candidates
DC Fabrycky, JJ Lissauer, D Ragozzine, JF Rowe, JH Steffen, E Agol, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 790 (2), 146, 2014
Gravity modes as a way to distinguish between hydrogen-and helium-burning red giant stars
TR Bedding, B Mosser, D Huber, J Montalbán, P Beck, ...
Nature 471 (7340), 608-611, 2011
Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9913
JM Jenkins
SPIE,, 2016
Kepler's first rocky planet: Kepler-10b
NM Batalha, WJ Borucki, ST Bryson, LA Buchhave, DA Caldwell, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 729 (1), 27, 2011
Chiozzi G., Guzman JC
JM Jenkins
Proc. SPIE Conf. Ser 9913, 99133E, 2016
Multiscale systematic error correction via wavelet-based bandsplitting in Kepler data
MC Stumpe, JC Smith, JH Catanzarite, JE Van Cleve, JM Jenkins, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 126 (935), 100, 2014
Kepler eclipsing binary stars. I. Catalog and principal characterization of 1879 eclipsing binaries in the first data release
A Prša, N Batalha, RW Slawson, LR Doyle, WF Welsh, JA Orosz, ...
The Astronomical Journal 141 (3), 83, 2011
Validation of Kepler's multiple planet candidates. III. Light curve analysis and announcement of hundreds of new multi-planet systems
JF Rowe, ST Bryson, GW Marcy, JJ Lissauer, D Jontof-Hutter, F Mullally, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 784 (1), 45, 2014
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Articles 1–20