Tamer Başar
Tamer Başar
Swanlund Endowed Chair Emeritus & CAS Professor Emeritus of ECE, University of Illinois
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Cited by
Dynamic noncooperative game theory
T Başar, GJ Olsder
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1998
H-infinity Optimal Control and Related Minimax Design Problems
T Basar, P Bernhard
Birkhaüser, Boston, Massachusetts, 1991
Multi-agent reinforcement learning: A selective overview of theories and algorithms
K Zhang, Z Yang, T Başar
Handbook of reinforcement learning and control, 321-384, 2021
Game theory in wireless and communication networks: theory, models, and applications
Z Han, D Niyato, W Saad, T Başar, A Hjørungnes
Cambridge university press, 2011
Coalitional game theory for communication networks
W Saad, Z Han, M Debbah, A Hjorungnes, T Basar
Ieee signal processing magazine 26 (5), 77-97, 2009
Game-theoretic methods for the smart grid: An overview of microgrid systems, demand-side management, and smart grid communications
W Saad, Z Han, HV Poor, T Basar
IEEE signal processing magazine 29 (5), 86-105, 2012
Game theory meets network security and privacy
MH Manshaei, Q Zhu, T Alpcan, T Bacşar, JP Hubaux
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 45 (3), 1-39, 2013
Dependable demand response management in the smart grid: A Stackelberg game approach
S Maharjan, Q Zhu, Y Zhang, S Gjessing, T Basar
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4 (1), 120-132, 2013
Quantized consensus
A Kashyap, T Başar, R Srikant
Automatica 43 (7), 1192-1203, 2007
Fully decentralized multi-agent reinforcement learning with networked agents
K Zhang, Z Yang, H Liu, T Zhang, T Basar
International conference on machine learning, 5872-5881, 2018
Network security: A decision and game-theoretic approach
T Alpcan, T Başar
Cambridge University Press, 2010
Optimal control of LTI systems over unreliable communication links
OC Imer, S Yüksel, T Başar
Automatica 42 (9), 1429-1439, 2006
CDMA uplink power control as a noncooperative game
T Alpcan, T Başar, R Srikant, E Altman
Wireless Networks 8, 659-670, 2002
A game-theoretic approach to energy trading in the smart grid
Y Wang, W Saad, Z Han, HV Poor, T Başar
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (3), 1439-1450, 2014
Game-theoretic methods for robustness, security, and resilience of cyberphysical control systems: games-in-games principle for optimal cross-layer resilient control systems
Q Zhu, T Basar
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 35 (1), 46-65, 2015
TCP-Illinois: A loss and delay-based congestion control algorithm for high-speed networks
S Liu, T Başar, R Srikant
Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Performance evaluation …, 2006
Backstepping controller design for nonlinear stochastic systems under a risk-sensitive cost criterion
Z Pan, T Basar
SIAM Journal on Control and optimization 37 (3), 957-995, 1999
Nash equilibrium seeking in noncooperative games
P Frihauf, M Krstic, T Basar
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 57 (5), 1192-1207, 2011
Stochastic networked control systems
S Yüksel, T Basar
AMC 10, 12, 2013
A game theoretic approach to decision and analysis in network intrusion detection
T Alpcan, T Basar
42nd IEEE international conference on decision and control (IEEE Cat. No …, 2003
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Articles 1–20