Chris Zweck
Chris Zweck
Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, University of Arizona
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COSMOS: The cosmic-ray soil moisture observing system
M Zreda, WJ Shuttleworth, X Zeng, C Zweck, D Desilets, T Franz, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16 (11), 4079-4099, 2012
Active deformation processes in Alaska, based on 15 years of GPS measurements
JT Freymueller, H Woodard, SC Cohen, R Cross, J Elliott, CF Larsen, ...
Active tectonics and seismic potential of Alaska 179, 1-42, 2008
Measurement depth of the cosmic ray soil moisture probe affected by hydrogen from various sources
TE Franz, M Zreda, TPA Ferre, R Rosolem, C Zweck, S Stillman, X Zeng, ...
Water Resources Research 48 (8), 2012
Cold and wet Last Glacial Maximum on Mount Sandıras, SW Turkey, inferred from cosmogenic dating and glacier modeling
MA Sarıkaya, M Zreda, A Çiner, C Zweck
Quaternary Science Reviews 27 (7-8), 769-780, 2008
Modeling of the northern hemisphere ice sheets during the last glacial cycle and glaciological sensitivity
C Zweck, P Huybrechts
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 110 (D7), 2005
Three‐dimensional elastic dislocation modeling of the postseismic response to the 1964 Alaska earthquake
C Zweck, JT Freymueller, SC Cohen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 107 (B4), ECV 1-1-ECV 1-11, 2002
Cycles and shifts: 1,300 years of multi-decadal temperature variability in the Gulf of Alaska
R Wilson, G Wiles, R D’Arrigo, C Zweck
Climate Dynamics 28, 425-440, 2007
Ecosystem‐scale measurements of biomass water using cosmic ray neutrons
TE Franz, M Zreda, R Rosolem, BK Hornbuckle, SL Irvin, H Adams, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (15), 3929-3933, 2013
Remarkably extensive glaciation and fast deglaciation and climate change in Turkey near the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary
M Zreda, A Çiner, MA Sarıkaya, C Zweck, S Bayarı
Geology 39 (11), 1051-1054, 2011
West Antarctic ice sheet elevation changes
EJ Steig, JL Fastook, C Zweck, ID Goodwin, KJ Licht, JWC White, ...
The West Antarctic ice sheet: behavior and environment 77, 75-90, 2001
Snow shielding factors for cosmogenic nuclide dating inferred from Monte Carlo neutron transport simulations
C Zweck, M Zreda, D Desilets
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 379, 64-71, 2013
Glacio-isostasy and glacial ice load at Law Dome, Wilkes land, east Antarctica
ID Goodwin, C Zweck
Quaternary Research 53 (3), 285-293, 2000
The COsmic-ray Soil Moisture Observing System (COSMOS): a non-invasive, intermediate scale soil moisture measurement network
WJ Shuttleworth, M Zreda, X Zeng, C Zweck, TPA Ferré
Third International Symposium, Role of hydrology managing consequences of a …, 2010
The 1964 great Alaska earthquake: present day and cumulative postseismic deformation in the western Kenai Peninsula
C Zweck, JT Freymueller, SC Cohen
Physics of the earth and planetary interiors 132 (1-3), 5-20, 2002
The potential of the COSMOS network to be a source of new soil moisture information for SMOS and SMAP
B Hornbuckle, S Irvin, T Franz, R Rosolem, C Zweck
2012 IEEE international geoscience and remote sensing symposium, 1243-1246, 2012
Modeling the marine extent of northern hemisphere ice sheets during the last glacial cycle
C Zweck, P Huybrechts
Annals of Glaciology 37, 173-180, 2003
Cosmic-ray neutrons, an innovative method for measuring area-average soil moisture
M Zreda, X Zeng, WJ Shuttleworth, C Zweck, TPA Ferre, TE Franz, ...
Gewex Newsletter 21 (3), 6-10, 2011
Ages and inferred causes of Late Pleistocene glaciations on Mauna Kea, Hawai'i
JS Pigati, M Zreda, C Zweck, PF Almasi, D Elmore, WD Sharp
Journal of Quaternary Science: Published for the Quaternary Research …, 2008
Impact of transient increases in atmospheric CO2 on the accumulation and mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet
SP O’Farrell, JL McGregor, LD Rotstayn, WF Budd, C Zweck, W Roland
Annals of Glaciology 25, 137-144, 1997
The theoretical basis of ACE, an Age Calculation Engine for cosmogenic nuclides
C Zweck, M Zreda, KM Anderson, E Bradley
Chemical Geology 291, 199-205, 2012
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