Jack J. Kingsley-Smith
Jack J. Kingsley-Smith
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Cited by
Structured transverse orbital angular momentum probed by a levitated optomechanical sensor
Y Hu, JJ Kingsley-Smith, M Nikkhou, JA Sabin, FJ Rodríguez-Fortuño, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 2638, 2023
Reversible lateral optical force on phase-gradient metasurfaces for full control of metavehicles
T Li, JJ Kingsley-Smith, Y Hu, X Xu, S Yan, S Wang, B Yao, Z Wang, ...
Optics Letters 48 (2), 255-258, 2023
Lateral optical force on linearly polarized dipoles near a magneto-optical surface based on polarization conversion
JA Giron-Sedas, JJ Kingsley-Smith, FJ Rodríguez-Fortuño
Physical Review B 100 (7), 075419, 2019
Optical forces from near-field directionalities in planar structures
JJ Kingsley-Smith, MF Picardi, L Wei, AV Zayats, FJ Rodríguez-Fortuño
Physical Review B 99 (23), 235410, 2019
Creating tunable lateral optical forces through multipolar interplay in single nanowires
F Nan, FJ Rodríguez-Fortuño, S Yan, JJ Kingsley-Smith, J Ng, B Yao, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 6361, 2023
Directional scattering from particles under evanescent wave illumination: the role of reactive power
L Wei, MF Picardi, JJ Kingsley-Smith, AV Zayats, FJ Rodríguez-Fortuño
Optics Letters 43 (14), 3393-3396, 2018
Nondiffractive three-dimensional polarization features of optical vortex beams
A Afanasev, JJ Kingsley-Smith, FJ Rodríguez-Fortuño, AV Zayats
Advanced Photonics Nexus 2 (2), 026001-026001, 2023
Integrated Janus dipole source for selective coupling to silicon waveguide networks
MF Picardi, C McPolin, JJ Kingsley-Smith, X Zhang, S Xiao, ...
Applied Physics Reviews 9 (2), 2022
Optical dipolar chiral sorting forces and their manifestation in evanescent waves and nanofibers
S Golat, JJ Kingsley-Smith, I Diez, J Martinez-Romeu, A Martínez, ...
Physical Review Research 6 (2), 023079, 2024
Optical magnetic dipole levitation using a plasmonic surface
JJ Kingsley-Smith, MF Picardi, FJ Rodríguez-Fortuño
Nano Letters 20 (10), 7094–7099, 2020
Efficient post-processing of electromagnetic plane wave simulations to model arbitrary structured beams incident on axisymmetric structures
JJ Kingsley-Smith, FJ Rodríguez-Fortuño
New Journal of Physics 25 (10), 103043, 2023
Ultrafast Pulse Management with Hyperbolic Metamaterials
J Wu, J Kingsley-Smith, AY Bykov, AV Krasavin, FJ Rodríguez-Fortuño, ...
2023 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference/2023 International …, 2023
Ultrashort pulse management with nanorod and nanotube metamaterials
AV Zayats, A Zaleska, A Krasavin, A Bykov, F Rodríguez-Fortuño, ...
Metamaterials, Metadevices, and Metasystems 2023, PC1264613, 2023
An overview of optical forces near surfaces with extreme optical parameters: from ENZ to 2D materials
FJ Rodríguez-Fortuño, J Kingsley-Smith, M Picardi, J Girón-Sedas
Complex Light and Optical Forces XVI, PC120170W, 2022
Optical forces and torques for the levitation and manipulation of nanoparticles near surfaces and in complex beams
J Kingsley-Smith
King's College London, 2021
Levitating particles with a plane wave above a plasmonic surface (Conference Presentation)
JJ Kingsley-Smith, MF Picardi, FJ Rodríguez-Fortuño
Nanophotonics VIII 11345, 113450E, 2020
Near-field optical forces: magnetic levitation and angular decomposition
JJ Kingsley-Smith, MF Picardi, AV Zayats, FJ Rodríguez-Fortuño
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Articles 1–17