Fortier Guillaume
Fortier Guillaume
Responsable Equipe Computer Vision
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Cited by
Automatic micromanipulation using multiscale visual servoing
B Tamadazte, S Dembélé, G Fortier, N Le Fort-Piat
2008 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering …, 2008
Fusion of speech, faces and text for person identification in TV broadcast
H Bredin, J Poignant, M Tapaswi, G Fortier, VB Le, T Napoleon, H Gao, ...
Computer Vision–ECCV 2012. Workshops and Demonstrations: Florence, Italy …, 2012
Robotic micromanipulation for microassembly: Modelling by sequencial function chart and achievement by multiple scale visual servoings
B Tamadazte, N Le Fort-Piat, S Dembélé, G Fortier
Journal of Micro-Nano Mechatronics 5 (1), 1, 2009
Naming multi-modal clusters to identify persons in TV broadcast
J Poignant, G Fortier, L Besacier, G Quénot
Multimedia Tools and Applications 75, 8999-9023, 2016
Qcompere@ repere 2013
H Bredin, J Poignant, G Fortier, M Tapaswi, VB Le, A Roy, C Barras, ...
SLAM 2013-First Workshop on Speech, Language and Audio for Multimedia, 49-54, 2013
Autofocusing-based visual servoing: application to MEMS micromanipulation
G Duceux, B Tamadazte, NLF Piat, S Dembélé, E Marchand, G Fortier
2010 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, 1-6, 2010
Estimating the 3d orientation of a microgripper by processing the focus data from the images delivered by a videomicroscope
G Fortier, B Tamadazte, S Dembélé, N Le Fort-Piat
2008 International Workshop on Robotic and Sensors Environments, 58-63, 2008
Improving rotation behaviour of robotic structures for micro-assembly
D Hériban, A Thiebault, M Gauthier, G Fortier
2008 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering …, 2008
Robotic polishing system and method for using same
T Roux, G Whittom, C Hoang, JF Collette, G Fortier, P Morin, PL Nault
US Patent App. 18/397,973, 2024
Robotic polishing system and method for using same
P Morin, C Hoang, JF Collette, PL Nault, G Whittom, T Roux, G Fortier
US Patent App. 18/397,942, 2024
Robotic polishing system and method for using same
P Morin, C Hoang, JF Collette, PL Nault, G Whittom, G Fortier
US Patent App. 18/397,965, 2024
Robotic polishing system and method for using same
JF Collette, PL Nault, G Whittom, C Hoang, P Morin, T Roux, G Fortier
US Patent App. 18/397,924, 2024
Polishing bladed rotor using robotic polishing device
P Morin, G Whittom, C Hoang, JF Collette, PL Nault, O Darsigny, G Fortier, ...
US Patent App. 18/397,120, 2024
Belt loading method and device for material removal tool
P Morin, T Roux, G Fortier, C Hoang, G Whittom
US Patent App. 17/645,532, 2023
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Articles 1–14