Lozovik Y.E.
Lozovik Y.E.
Other namesLozovik Yurii E., Lozovik Yurii, Lozovik Y/E.
Institute of Spectroscopy
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Cited by
A new mechanism for superconductivity: pairing between spatially separated electrons and holes
YE Lozovik, VI Yudson
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz 71, 738, 1976
Feasibility of superfluidity of paired spatially separated electrons and holes; a new superconductivity mechanism
YE Lozovik, VI Yudson
JETP Lett.(USSR)(Engl. Transl.);(United States) 22 (11), 1975
Wigner crystallization in mesoscopic 2D electron systems
AV Filinov, M Bonitz, YE Lozovik
Physical review letters 86 (17), 3851, 2001
Dielectric response and novel electromagnetic modes in three-dimensional Dirac semimetal films
OV Kotov, YE Lozovik
Physical Review B 93 (23), 235417, 2016
Mott Exciton in Quasi Two-Dimensional Semiconductors in High Magnetic-Fields
I Lerner, YE Lozovik
Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki 78 (3), 1167-1175, 1980
Quantum phase transition in a two-dimensional system of dipoles
GE Astrakharchik, J Boronat, IL Kurbakov, YE Lozovik
Physical review letters 98 (6), 060405, 2007
Statistical model of matter
DA Kirzhnits, YE Lozovik, GV Shpatakovskaya
Soviet Physics Uspekhi 18 (9), 649, 1975
Crystallization of a two-dimensional electron gas in a magnetic field
YE Lozovik, VI Yudson
ZhETF Pisma Redaktsiiu 22, 26, 1975
Minimizing light reflection from dielectric textured surfaces
A Deinega, I Valuev, B Potapkin, Y Lozovik
JOSA A 28 (5), 770-777, 2011
Two-dimensional electron-hole system in a strong magnetic field as an almost ideal exciton gas
IV Lerner, YE Lozovik
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz 80, 1488-1503, 1981
Interlayer interaction and relative vibrations of bilayer graphene
IV Lebedeva, AA Knizhnik, AM Popov, YE Lozovik, BV Potapkin
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (13), 5687-5695, 2011
On a modified Lindemann-like criterion for 2D melting
VM Bedanov, GV Gadiyak, YE Lozovik
Physics Letters A 109 (6), 289-291, 1985
Formation and growth of carbon nanostructures: fullerenes, nanoparticles, nanotubes and cones
YE Lozovik, AM Popov
Physics-Uspekhi 40 (7), 717, 1997
Quasi-two-dimensional excitons in finite magnetic fields
YE Lozovik, IV Ovchinnikov, SY Volkov, LV Butov, DS Chemla
Physical Review B 65 (23), 235304, 2002
Electron-hole pair condensation in a graphene bilayer
YE Lozovik, AA Sokolik
JETP letters 87, 55-59, 2008
Phase transitions in a system of spatially separated electrons and holes
YE Lozovik, OL Berman
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 84, 1027-1035, 1997
Nanomachines based on carbon nanotubes
YE Lozovik, AV Minogin, AM Popov
Physics Letters A 313 (1-2), 112-121, 2003
Strain-induced pseudomagnetic field in the Dirac semimetal borophene
AD Zabolotskiy, YE Lozovik
Physical Review B 94 (16), 165403, 2016
Phase transitions in a system of two coupled quantum wells
YE Lozovik, OL Berman
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 64, 573-579, 1996
Commensurate-incommensurate phase transition in bilayer graphene
AM Popov, IV Lebedeva, AA Knizhnik, YE Lozovik, BV Potapkin
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (4), 045404, 2011
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Articles 1–20