Lisa Croner
Lisa Croner
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The MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC) project shows inter-and intraplatform reproducibility of gene expression measurements.
L Shi, LH Reid, WD Jones, R Shippy, JA Warrington, SC Baker, PJ Collins, ...
Nature biotechnology 24 (9), 1151-1161, 2006
Receptive fields of P and M ganglion cells across the primate retina
LJ Croner, E Kaplan
Vision research 35 (1), 7-24, 1995
The balance of reproducibility, sensitivity, and specificity of lists of differentially expressed genes in microarray studies
L Shi, WD Jones, RV Jensen, SC Harris, RG Perkins, FM Goodsaid, ...
BMC bioinformatics 9, 1-19, 2008
Stabilized polypeptide compositions
S Glaser, S Demarest, BR Miller, WB Snyder, X Wu, N Wang, LJ Croner, ...
US Patent 7,951,918, 2011
Combined serological, genetic, and inflammatory markers differentiate non-IBD, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis patients
S Plevy, MS Silverberg, S Lockton, T Stockfisch, L Croner, J Stachelski, ...
Inflammatory bowel diseases 19 (6), 1139-1148, 2013
Stability engineering of scFvs for the development of bispecific and multivalent antibodies
BR Miller, SJ Demarest, A Lugovskoy, F Huang, X Wu, WB Snyder, ...
Protein Engineering, Design & Selection 23 (7), 549-557, 2010
Response variability in retinal ganglion cells of primates.
LJ Croner, K Purpura, E Kaplan
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 90 (17), 8128-8130, 1993
Image segmentation enhances discrimination of motion in visual noise
LJ Croner, TD Albright
Vision research 37 (11), 1415-1427, 1997
Song Categories and Their Functions in the Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla)
DA Nelson, LJ Croner
The Auk 108 (1), 42-52, 1991
Segmentation by color influences responses of motion-sensitive neurons in the cortical middle temporal visual area
LJ Croner, TD Albright
Journal of Neuroscience 19 (10), 3935-3951, 1999
Stabilized polypeptide compositions
S Glaser, S Demarest, BR Miller, WB Snyder, X Wu, N Wang, LJ Croner, ...
US Patent 7,960,142, 2011
Conserved amino acid networks involved in antibody variable domain interactions
N Wang, WF Smith, BR Miller, D Aivazian, AA Lugovskoy, ME Reff, ...
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 76 (1), 99-114, 2009
A continuum model of elephant trunks
JF Wilson, U Mahajan, SA Wainwright, LJ Croner
565 novel infliximab (IFX) and antibody-to-infliximab (ATI) assays are predictive of disease activity in patients with Crohn's disease (CD)
BG Feagan, S Singh, S Lockton, S Hauenstein, L Ohrmund, LJ Croner, ...
Gastroenterology 5 (142), S-114, 2012
Seeing the big picture: integration of image cues in the primate visual system
LJ Croner, TD Albright
Neuron 24 (4), 777-789, 1999
Ethylene-induced lateral expansion in etiolated pea stems: kinetics, cell wall synthesis, and osmotic potential
W Eisinger, LJ Croner, L Taiz
Plant physiology 73 (2), 407-412, 1983
A plasma-based protein marker panel for colorectal cancer detection identified by multiplex targeted mass spectrometry
JJ Jones, BE Wilcox, RW Benz, N Babbar, G Boragine, T Burrell, ...
Clinical colorectal cancer 15 (2), 186-194. e13, 2016
Methods for improving inflammatory bowel disease diagnosis
F Princen, S Lockton, LJ Croner, FA Fletcher, T Stockfisch, S Singh
US Patent 8,715,943, 2014
A large-scale and robust dynamic MRM study of colorectal cancer biomarkers
J You, A Kao, R Dillon, LJ Croner, R Benz, JE Blume, B Wilcox
Journal of proteomics 187, 80-92, 2018
Discovery and validation of a colorectal cancer classifier in a new blood test with improved performance for high-risk subjects
LJ Croner, R Dillon, A Kao, SN Kairs, R Benz, IJ Christensen, HJ Nielsen, ...
Clinical Proteomics 14, 1-12, 2017
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