Yang Shi, Fellow of CAE, EIC, IEEE, ASME, CSME
Yang Shi, Fellow of CAE, EIC, IEEE, ASME, CSME
University of Victoria, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Canada
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Zitiert von
A new method for stabilization of networked control systems with random delays
L Zhang, Y Shi, T Chen, B Huang
IEEE Transactions on automatic control 50 (8), 1177-1181, 2005
Recent advances in consensus of multi-agent systems: A brief survey
J Qin, Q Ma, Y Shi, L Wang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (6), 4972-4983, 2016
Output feedback stabilization of networked control systems with random delays modeled by Markov chains
Y Shi, B Yu
IEEE transactions on Automatic Control 54 (7), 1668-1674, 2009
Trajectory tracking control of an autonomous underwater vehicle using Lyapunov-based model predictive control
C Shen, Y Shi, B Buckham
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65 (7), 5796-5805, 2017
Industrial cyberphysical systems: A backbone of the fourth industrial revolution
AW Colombo, S Karnouskos, O Kaynak, Y Shi, S Yin
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine 11 (1), 6-16, 2017
Event-triggered robust model predictive control of continuous-time nonlinear systems
H Li, Y Shi
Automatica 50 (5), 1507-1513, 2014
Combined cooling, heating and power systems: A survey
M Liu, Y Shi, F Fang
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 35, 1-22, 2014
Stochastic stability and robust stabilization of semi‐Markov jump linear systems
J Huang, Y Shi
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 23 (18), 2028-2043, 2013
Robust mixed H2/H∞ control of networked control systems with random time delays in both forward and backward communication links
Y Shi, B Yu
Automatica 47 (4), 754-760, 2011
Auxiliary model-based least-squares identification methods for Hammerstein output-error systems
F Ding, Y Shi, T Chen
Systems & Control Letters 56 (5), 373-380, 2007
Advanced control in marine mechatronic systems: A survey
Y Shi, C Shen, H Fang, H Li
IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics 22 (3), 1121-1131, 2017
Robust static output feedback control and remote PID design for networked motor systems
H Zhang, Y Shi, AS Mehr
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (12), 5396-5405, 2011
A survey on attack detection, estimation and control of industrial cyber–physical systems
D Zhang, QG Wang, G Feng, Y Shi, AV Vasilakos
ISA transactions 116, 1-16, 2021
Kalman filter-based identification for systems with randomly missing measurements in a network environment
Y Shi, H Fang
International Journal of Control 83 (3), 538-551, 2010
Robust distributed model predictive control of constrained continuous-time nonlinear systems: A robustness constraint approach
H Li, Y Shi
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 59 (6), 1673-1678, 2013
Physical safety and cyber security analysis of multi-agent systems: A survey of recent advances
D Zhang, G Feng, Y Shi, D Srinivasan
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 8 (2), 319-333, 2021
An efficient hierarchical identification method for general dual-rate sampled-data systems
Y Liu, F Ding, Y Shi
Automatica 50 (3), 962-970, 2014
A survey on edge and edge-cloud computing assisted cyber-physical systems
K Cao, S Hu, Y Shi, AW Colombo, S Karnouskos, X Li
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (11), 7806-7819, 2021
Distributed sliding-mode tracking control of second-order nonlinear multiagent systems: An event-triggered approach
D Yao, H Li, R Lu, Y Shi
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 50 (9), 3892-3902, 2020
Integrated path planning and tracking control of an AUV: A unified receding horizon optimization approach
C Shen, Y Shi, B Buckham
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 22 (3), 1163-1173, 2016
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