Abdolmajid Yolmeh
Abdolmajid Yolmeh
PhD, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Rutgers University
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Cited by
An efficient hybrid genetic algorithm to solve assembly line balancing problem with sequence-dependent setup times
A Yolmeh, F Kianfar
Computers & industrial engineering 62 (4), 936-945, 2012
Closed-loop supply chain network design integrated with assembly and disassembly line balancing under uncertainty: an enhanced decomposition approach
A Yolmeh, U Saif
International Journal of Production Research 59 (9), 2690-2707, 2021
Meta-heuristics to solve single-machine scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup time and deteriorating jobs
U Bahalke, AM Yolmeh, K Shahanaghi
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 50, 749-759, 2010
An outer approximation method for an integration of supply chain network designing and assembly line balancing under uncertainty
A Yolmeh, N Salehi
Computers & Industrial Engineering 83, 297-306, 2015
Urban rail patrolling: a game theoretic approach
A Yolmeh, M Baykal-Gürsoy
Journal of transportation security 11, 23-40, 2018
Two-stage invest–defend game: Balancing strategic and operational decisions
A Yolmeh, M Baykal-Gürsoy
Decision Analysis 16 (1), 46-66, 2019
Scheduling and balancing assembly lines with the task deterioration effect
K Shahanaghi, AM Yolmeh, U Bahalke
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2010
A robust approach to infrastructure security games
A Yolmeh, M Baykal-Gürsoy
Computers & Industrial Engineering 110, 515-526, 2017
Patrolling games on general graphs with time-dependent node values
A Yolmeh, M Baykal-Gürsoy
Military Operations Research 24 (2), 17-30, 2019
A branch, price and remember algorithm for the U shaped assembly line balancing problem
A Yolmeh, N Salehi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.04127, 2017
Genetic and tabu search algorithms for the single machine scheduling problem with sequence-dependent set-up times and deteriorating jobs
A Yolmeh
International Journal of Engineering 23 (3), 227-234, 2010
Weighted network search games with multiple hidden objects and multiple search teams
A Yolmeh, M Baykal-Gürsoy
European Journal of Operational Research 289 (1), 338-349, 2021
A simulation optimization approach to Un-paced assembly line balancing problem-II with additional reworking issue
ME Noushabadi, U Bahalke, K Dolatkhahi, AM Yolmeh
2011 Fourth International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied …, 2011
A decomposable resource allocation model with generalized overarching protections
A Yolmeh, M Baykal-Gürsoy, V Bier
Annals of Operations Research 320 (1), 493-507, 2023
Game Theory Applications in Security
A Yolmeh
Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, School of Graduate Studies, 2021
Corrigendum:“Weighted Network Search Games with Multiple Hidden Objects and Multiple Search Teams”(European Journal of Operational Research (2021) 289 (1)(338–349 …
A Yolmeh, M Baykal-Gürsoy
European Journal of Operational Research 292 (3), 1209, 2021
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Articles 1–16