Jan Kolář
Cited by
Cited by
Population genomics of Bronze Age Eurasia
Nature 522 (7555), 167-172, 2015
The origin of grasslands in the temperate forest zone of east-central Europe: long-term legacy of climate and human impact
P Kuneš, H Svobodová-Svitavská, J Kolář, M Hajnalová, V Abraham, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 116, 15-27, 2015
Dynamic changes in genomic and social structures in third millennium BCE central Europe
L Papac, M Ernée, M Dobeš, M Langová, AB Rohrlach, F Aron, ...
Science Advances 7 (35), eabi6941, 2021
Mapping past human land use using archaeological data: A new classification for global land use synthesis and data harmonization
KD Morrisson, E Hammer, O Boles, M Madella, N Whitehouse, ...
PLOS ONE 16 (4), e0246662, 2021
An integrative skeletal and paleogenomic analysis of stature variation suggests relatively reduced health for early European farmers
S Marciniak, CM Bergey, AM Silva, A Hałuszko, M Furmanek, B Veselka, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (15), e2106743119, 2022
Human impact on open temperate woodlands during the middle Holocene in Central Europe
E Jamrichová, R Hédl, J Kolář, P Tóth, P Bobek, M Hajnalová, ...
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 245, 55-68, 2017
Spatio‐Temporal Modelling As A Way to Reconstruct Patterns of Past Human Activities
J Kolář, M Macek, P Tkáč, P Szabó
Archaeometry 58 (3), 513-528, 2016
Continuity and changes of manufacturing traditions of Bell Beaker and Bronze Age encrusted pottery in the Morava river catchment (Czech Republic)
D Všianský, J Kolář, J Petřík
Journal of Archaeological Science 49 (September), 414-422, 2014
Population and forest dynamics during the Central European Eneolithic (4500–2000 BC)
J Kolář, P Kuneš, P Szabó, M Hajnalová, H Svitavská Svobodová, ...
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 10 (5), 1153-1164, 2018
Long-term demographic trends and spatio-temporal distribution of past human activity in Central Europe: Comparison of archaeological and palaeoecological proxies
J Kolář, M Macek, P Tkáč, D Novák, V Abraham
Quaternary Science Reviews 297, 107834, 2022
Long time-series ecological niche modelling using archaeological settlement data: Tracing the origins of present-day landscape
P Demján, D Dreslerová, J Kolář, T Chuman, D Romportl, M Trnka, ...
Applied Geography 141, 102669, 2022
Kyjovice (okr. Znojmo) Sutny
M Kuča, F Trampota, E Kazdová, L Prokeš, J Petřík, J Kolář, Z Fajkošová
Přehled výzkumů, 2010
Archaeology of Local Interactions. Social and Spatial Aspects of the Corded Ware Communities in Moravia
J Kolář
Dr. Rudolf Habelt, GmbH, 2018
Archaeology and historical ecology: The archaeological database of the LONGWOOD ERC project
J Kolář, P Tkáč, M Macek, P Szabó
Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 46 (4), 539-554, 2016
Food strategies in Central Moravia (Czech Republic) during Final Eneolithic. A case study of Corded Ware culture communities
J Kolář, I Jarošová, G Dreslerová, E Drozdová, M Dobisíková
Archeologické rozhledy, 237-264, 2012
Migrations or local interactions? Spheres of interaction in third-millennium BC Central Europe
J Kolář
Antiquity 94 (377), 1168-1185, 2020
Towards New Demography Proxies and Regional Chronologies: Radiocarbon Dates from Archaeological Contexts Located in the Czech Republic Covering the Period Between 10,000 BC and …
P Tkáč, J Kolář
Journal of Open Archaeology Data 9, 1-14, 2021
Idealized world or real society? Social patterns of Corded Ware culture in Moravia (Czech Republic)
J Kolář
Transitional Landscapes? The 3rd millenium BC in Europe. Proceedings of the …, 2016
Secondary Mortuary Practices During the Late Eneolithic in Moravia, Czech Republic: State of Knowledge, History of Research, Terminology and Interpretations
J Kolář
Theoretical and Methodological Considerations in Central European Neolithic …, 2012
Kultura se šňůrovou keramikou v povodí říčky Hané na střední Moravě. Pohřební areály z prostoru dálnice D1 v úseku Vyškov-Mořice a dalších staveb
J Kolář, M Dobisíková, G Dreslerová, E Drozdová, M Fojtová, M Hložek, ...
Ústav archeologické památkové péče Brno, 2011
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Articles 1–20