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Rapid post-seismic landslide evacuation boosted by dynamic river width
T Croissant, D Lague, P Steer, P Davy
Nature Geoscience 10 (9), 680-684, 2017
Seismic cycles, earthquakes, landslides and sediment fluxes: Linking tectonics to surface processes using a reduced-complexity model
T Croissant, P Steer, D Lague, P Davy, L Jeandet, RG Hilton
Geomorphology 339, 87-103, 2019
Temperature control on CO2 emissions from the weathering of sedimentary rocks
G Soulet, RG Hilton, MH Garnett, T Roylands, S Klotz, T Croissant, ...
Nature Geoscience 14 (9), 665-671, 2021
Constraining the stream power law: a novel approach combining a landscape evolution model and an inversion method.
T Croissant, J Braun
Earth surface dynamics. 2 (1), 155-166, 2014
The effects of diagenesis on lithium isotope ratios of shallow marine carbonates
M Dellinger, DS Hardisty, NJ Planavsky, BC Gill, B Kalderon-Asael, ...
American Journal of Science 320 (2), 150-184, 2020
Carbon export from mountain forests enhanced by earthquake-triggered landslides over millennia
NV Frith, RG Hilton, JD Howarth, DR Gröcke, SJ Fitzsimons, T Croissant, ...
Nature Geoscience 11 (10), 772-776, 2018
Long-term patterns of hillslope erosion by earthquake-induced landslides shape mountain landscapes
J Wang, JD Howarth, EL McClymont, AL Densmore, SJ Fitzsimons, ...
Science Advances 6 (23), eaaz6446, 2020
A precipiton method to calculate river hydrodynamics, with applications to flood prediction, landscape evolution models, and braiding instabilities
P Davy, T Croissant, D Lague
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 122 (8), 1491-1512, 2017
In situ measurement of flux and isotopic composition of released during oxidative weathering of sedimentary rocks
G Soulet, RG Hilton, MH Garnett, M Dellinger, T Croissant, M Ogrič, ...
Biogeosciences 15 (13), 4087-4102, 2018
A precipiton‐based approach to model hydro‐sedimentary hazards induced by large sediment supplies in alluvial fans
T Croissant, D Lague, P Davy, T Davies, P Steer
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 42 (13), 2054-2067, 2017
Channel widening downstream of valley gorges influenced by flood frequency and floodplain roughness
T Croissant, D Lague, P Davy
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 124 (1), 154-174, 2019
Pulsed carbon export from mountains by earthquake-triggered landslides explored in a reduced-complexity model
T Croissant, RG Hilton, GK Li, J Howarth, J Wang, EL Harvey, P Steer, ...
Earth Surface Dynamics 9 (4), 823-844, 2021
Statistical modelling of co-seismic knickpoint formation and river response to fault slip
P Steer, T Croissant, E Baynes, D Lague
Earth surface dynamics 7 (3), 681-706, 2019
Temperature control on CO2 emissions from the weathering of sedimentary rocks, Nat. Geosci., 14, 665–671
G Soulet, RG Hilton, MH Garnett, T Roylands, S Klotz, T Croissant, ...
Long-term patterns of hillslope erosion by earthquake-induced landslides shape mountain landscapes, Sci. Adv., 6, eaaz6446
J Wang, JD Howarth, EL McClymont, AL Densmore, SJ Fitzsimons, ...
Carbon export from mountain forests enhanced by earthquake-triggered landslides over millennia, Nat. Geosci., 11, 772–776
NV Frith, RG Hilton, JD Howarth, DR Gröcke, SJ Fitzsimons, T Croissant, ...
3D granulometry: grain-scale shape and size distribution from point cloud dataset of river environments
P Steer, D Lague, A Gourdon, T Croissant, A Crave
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-8514, 2016
Technical note: In situ measurement of CO 2 released during weathering of rocks
G Soulet, RG Hilton, MH Garnett, M Dellinger, T Croissant, M Ogric, ...
Biogeosciences 15 (13), 4087-4102, 2018
Calibration of the 2D hydrodynamic model floodos and implications of distributed friction on sediment transport capacity
T Croissant, D Lague, P Davy
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2014, EP51E-3565, 2014
Modélisation numérique de l'impact des grands tremblements de terre sur la dynamique des rivières
T Croissant
Université de Rennes, 2016
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