Arjen Mascini
Arjen Mascini
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Event-based contact angle measurements inside porous media using time-resolved micro-computed tomography
A Mascini, V Cnudde, T Bultreys
Journal of colloid and interface science 572, 354-363, 2020
A systematic investigation into the control of roughness on the flow properties of 3D‐printed fractures
T Phillips, T Bultreys, K Bisdom, N Kampman, S Van Offenwert, A Mascini, ...
Water Resources Research 57 (4), ewrcr.25233, 2021
The impact of pore-throat shape evolution during dissolution on carbonate rock permeability: Pore network modeling and experiments
P Agrawal, A Mascini, T Bultreys, H Aslannejad, M Wolthers, V Cnudde, ...
Advances in Water Resources 155, 103991, 2021
Fluid invasion dynamics in porous media with complex wettability and connectivity
A Mascini, M Boone, S Van Offenwert, S Wang, V Cnudde, T Bultreys
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (22), 2021
X-ray analysis on the effect of sample preparation on the microstructure of calcareous sands
J Shi, W Haegeman, A Mascini, V Cnudde
Marine Georesources & Geotechnology 39 (3), 302-311, 2021
Dynamic effects during the capillary rise of fluids in cylindrical tubes
SB Lunowa, A Mascini, C Bringedal, T Bultreys, V Cnudde, IS Pop
Langmuir 38 (5), 1680-1688, 2022
Dynamic CT reconstruction with improved temporal resolution for scanning of fluid flow in porous media
W Goethals, T Bultreys, Z Manigrasso, A Mascini, J Aelterman, MN Boone
Water Resources Research 58 (4), e2021WR031365, 2022
Collaboration between digital rock analysis and laboratory for generation of multiphase transport properties for reservoir samples
N Idowu, A Arena, B Young, A Mascini, K Chawshin, C Goodwin, ...
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts 2016, 53, 2016
Validating mechanistic models of fluid displacement during imbibition
S Ellman, A Mascini, T Bultreys
Advances in Water Resources 183, 104590, 2024
Characterizing Unconsolidated Heavy Oil Sands Using Cryogenic MicroCT-A Pilot Study from Kuwait
K Ahmed, H Ferdous, AK Jain, F Ahmad, A Golab, L Deakin, B Young, ...
SPE Canada Heavy Oil Conference, D021S007R005, 2017
Imaging and modelling the impact of multi-scale pore connectivity on two-phase flow in mixed-wet rock
S Wang, A Mascini, LC Ruspini, PE Oren, T Bultreys
Authorea Preprints, 2022
A systematic investigation of the intrinsic flow properties of fractures using a combined 3D printing and micro-computed tomography approach
T Phillips, T Bultreys, A Mascini, ND Forbes Inskip, SAM den Hartog, ...
12th International Conference on Porous Media and Annual Meeting, 38-39, 2020
Scaling Deep Learning for Material Imaging: A Pseudo-3d Model for Tera-Scale 3d Domain Transfer
K Tang, R Armstrong, P Mostaghimi, Y Niu, Q Meyer, C Zhao, D Finegan, ...
Available at SSRN 4808378, 2024
Control of brine composition over reactive transport processes in calcium carbonate rock dissolution: Time-lapse imaging of evolving dissolution patterns
P Agrawal, H Aslannejad, A Mascini, T Bultreys, A Raoof, V Cnudde, ...
Applied Geochemistry 161, 105835, 2024
Submicron Insight into the Snap-Off Phenomenon
A Mascini, V Cnudde, T Bultreys
Album of Porous Media: Structure and Dynamics, 109-109, 2023
Advanced X-ray-based 3D structural and chemical characterisation of ores
A Mascini, F Buyse, M Deprez, J Sittner, M Boone, S DeWaele, V Cnudde
(Re) Mining extractive waste, a new business?, 2022
Linking wettability to multiphase flow in rocks: a pore-scale investigation using 4D X-ray microtomography
A Mascini
Ghent University, 2022
A sub-micron investigation of the role of surface roughness on multiphase flow hysteresis using fast time-resolved X-ray microtomography
A Mascini, V Novak, CM Schlepütz, G Kalyoncu, J Van Stappen, S Wang, ...
5th International Conference on Tomography of Materials & Structures, 2022
Predicting and measuring pore-scale capillary pressures associated with meniscus movements during slow imbibition
S Ellman, A Mascini, T Bultreys
InterPore 2022, 2022
Event-based measurements of contact angles during imbibition to evaluate contact angle hysteresis on a pore-by-pore basis using micro-CT
S Ellman, A Mascini, T Bultreys
International Society for Porous Media Conference-13th Annual Meeting, 2021
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Artikel 1–20